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BLMS... dislike the name, like the guy

Started by jkokura, March 12, 2014, 07:37:55 PM

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Lawrence, the guy behind is a right stand up guy.

A while back I put a request in for something I thought he should carry, a black metal LED bezel. Lawrence found some and he's stocking them now.


JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I agree he is a stand up dude, good prices and ships very fast.

I dunno, the name still cracks me up. I like it.


just placed my second order with him yesterday. Man, within minutes after I placed my order he had it shipped.

I picked up some of those Kilo International knobs as well. Expensive but they looked pretty slick.


His site gets blocked by the watchmen at my office, apparently the filter thinks it might contain pornography ::), or at least that's the answer I get.

Haven't ordered from him yet, but my next knob order is going there.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Agree with everything you guys are saying. I asked him one about the name and never got a response about it.. lol I told him that a few people I told about his site was put off by the name and ended up ordering somewhere else. He just needs to buy another domain name and do some DNS forwarding to the same IP... not a big deal. I'm not "offended" or anything like that myself, but it is hard to order stuff with content filters from work.

Other than the name issues people have, he has really been great to work with and also he gets stuff shipped out so fast.



His cheap knobs - like the davis clones - are on par with the quality of Tayda knobs, good enough for personal use, but not first rate glossy like small bear's. The hard part is looking at the cost total after I order 50 switches  ;D


Yeah, I've talked to him about the name issue as well. I think he was just not aware of the negative connotations of the word 'Bitch.' I think he thinks of it terms of a friendship that has the room to use derogatory words in affection.

Quite frankly, I think that word has got to go, but I do like Lawrence.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I think the name is funny, but yeah, it doesn't really come across as a reputable business name  :D  I wonder if he just never expected it to be more than a tiny online source for a few friends?

I've ordered a bunch of stuff from the guy, and will continue to do so regardless of what he calls his store.  Speedy delivery, low shipping cost and good prices!


Yeah, good dude, to be sure. Just ordered from him yesterday. Considering that we're the "bitches" it's funny on one level but weird at the same time.
Chief Executive Officer in Charge of Burrito Redistribution at Hytone Electric


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I have not ordered from him for that reason, kind of thought everything was junk because of the name.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap.


The stuff he provides is certainly budget line items. He doesn't carry complete junk, but these are the lower end of what we normally purchase from Smallbear and Mammoth.

However, when a guy emails you back months after making the suggestion, saying he looked and found something for me... That makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
JMK PCBs *New Website*
pedal company - youtube - facebook - Used Pedals


I do see the issue with the name in terms of being taken serious from a business development standpoint. I suppose if he wants to continue to grow and appeal to a wider audience then the name has to go.

I will still order some bulk things from him regardless if the prices stay steady


I've never ordered anything from Laurence, But I've only heard great things about him. I'm thinking about ordering a bunch of right angle/straight 1/4" Jacks from him for the pedal board cables i'm in need of, just haven't pulled the trigger yet. Being in Canada I get dinged a ton for shipping, and since he doesn't also sell bulk cable I'm not sure if I want to purchase cable somewhere and pay for shipping and then purchase Jacks from him and pay shipping. Sometimes it makes sense to do that, but sometimes it makes sense to pay a little more for jacks on the same order as the cable and pay for shipping once... But anyways, I will order something from him someday....

As far as the name goes... Personally I feel like who cares... Let him name his business what he wants, it's his business. Whether it hinders his sales or audience is something he has to live with, but realistically what he sells appeals to a pretty specific audience anyways.


I've been ordering supply from him since DCountry13 (BYOC Mod) brought him to the table over a year ago.

I buy ALL my toggle switch from him, to me, they appear to be the same quality than what you'll find at Mammoth, never bought any from SB so i can't say.

Enclosures are also coming from him now.

I'd rather buy stuff from a guy who don't give a damn about what people thinks of is buisness name instead of buying from a company who just try to look shiny but serve you shitty.
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