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Be my therapist for a moment.

Started by atreidesheir, August 22, 2014, 03:40:50 AM

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ok.  breath.

Computer hacked.
Music computer hacked.  Ten years of compostition, demos, and recordings lost.
Bank accounts hacked.
Phone... hacked.
Credit cards hacked.  I have some new ones I did not know about also.
Student loan account hacked.
Email accounts hacked.
I won $40,000 worth of jewelry and vintage clothing auctions on ebay.
Many many passwords hacked for forums and other sites.  Madbean forum still works for me.
Storage unit hacked.
Mailbox hacked.

I keep finding more and new little hiccups in my online and just in general existence.
I use the term hack to cover various versions of actions both technological and not.

Can someone please contact duhvoodooman for me and ask him to email me or something?  If you could just pm me.  I cannot login at byoc and cannot change my password.  I was in the middle of communication and transaction with him and cannot get on the site to talk to him.  I was able to use my work computer to login once and now it is not allowed to login there either for some reason.  I am afraid to find out why.

I am a bit depressed and feel like a wounded animal.  I am not even angry anymore.  Thankfully I have my little boy 24/7/365 and he helps a lot.  Glad he is safe too.  But I cannot talk to him about any of this either.  And his life was hit hard due to missing money and other related situations.
Take some comfort that my paypal account was not pilfered.  My nightmare was actually that someone may have invoiced all my contacts.  I have an evil imagination.

Thanks for letting me vent a little.  Let's be careful out there.
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman


Quote from: atreidesheir on August 22, 2014, 03:40:50 AM
I am a bit depressed and feel like a wounded animal.  I am not even angry anymore.  Thankfully I have my little boy 24/7/365 and he helps a lot.  Glad he is safe too.  But I cannot talk to him about any of this either.  And his life was hit hard due to missing money and other related situations.

Still, that's what's important, right there.

My prayers are with you, and don't let the bastards grind you down. Something this extensive suggests someone who knows you, rather than a target of opportunity.
"A man is not dead while his name is still spoken."
- Terry Pratchett
My OSHpark shared projects
My website


Agree with Alan, someone knows you on this one. Not that helps right now. I was a victim of id theft 15-20 years ago and it really sucks. Contact the police and a lawyer, pronto
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Zo damn. What a nightmare. I'd lose my mind, for sure.
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


What a mess, sorry to hear about it! Stay strong and do the sensible things as said (police and lawyer).
Really sounds like they knew you ....
Friend of mine got badly burnt through identity theft and even having his home (and gear collection...) targeted and burgled. He urged me since to stick with as little real info out there as possible and as much as you can do to hide identity.... shame it is, there's so many good people out there and then a few others... >:(
BigNoise Amplification


Wow man, my heart sunk to my knees reading this. I'm not sure if you are in the US but you may want to contact FTC

Also, try to keep any and every transaction documented. Try to get it organized by date for easy reading.

What I would do is:
Make a list of all financial places that you access online and contact them to change your password and contact their claims departments.

Blow out your laptop/desktop. If its a brand name PC like Dell/HP etc get the restore CD and restore the PC to its original state. You will loose everything but atleast your PC will be fully clean.

You can also have the post office hold your mail at the post office for a time being and you will have to pick it up but atleast it will be safe there.

Hope it gets better for you man. Hang in there.



From having my cards done a couple of times, get in touch with the bank straight away. They'll ask you to confirm which transactions are yours and which are not. In theory that's an easy one to sort and they should be pretty good about it. Can't help with the rest unfortunately only to wish you good luck in getting it all sorted. There are some right arseholes in this world and it's always grim when good people are targeted by them. Makes me angry :(
Gnomepage - DIY effects library & stuff in the Stompage bit
"I excite very large doom for days" - playpunk


ohhh man! I´m sorry to hear that.
I´m not a positive thinking man, but everyone says that after some down strokes some good ones will come!
This really suck and make me think how safe am i with my computer?
Good luck mate!
If i fart a lot,  it means that i'm a Gas expert ?


That really sucks bro! 

I agree that it sounds like someone you may have known - as the scams are personal and local (storage unit) etc.  Some ex-friend, ex-wife, ex-acquaintance? 

Regardless, it sounds like you have a good handle on it and will recover sooner than later.  Also great that you have your son - that is worth more than all the money in the world.   :)

  DIY Guitar Pedal PCB projects!


That blows.

Can't be much help other that what's listed above, but I do have all of the old build docs back to 2010 on my laptop, so if you lost those and want to get them back, drop me a line and I'll email them over, although right now I suspect building is the last thing on your list :-[.
The only known cure in the world for GAS is death.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.


Quote from: juansolo on August 22, 2014, 07:05:23 AM
From having my cards done a couple of times, get in touch with the bank straight away. They'll ask you to confirm which transactions are yours and which are not. In theory that's an easy one to sort and they should be pretty good about it. Can't help with the rest unfortunately only to wish you good luck in getting it all sorted. There are some right arseholes in this world and it's always grim when good people are targeted by them. Makes me angry :(
Definitely +1 on everything in this. We've had our card numbers lifted a couple of times and the banks reversed every bogus charge. When it happened to our debit card it was a major pain because the money was held against our account and we couldn't use it, but the bank did eventually reverse or deny every bit of the attempted theft and we got all the money back in our account.
Affiliations: Music Unfolding (, software based effects and Rock•it Frog (, DIY effects (coming soon).


We used to be married. 
She has a family member that is a computer "technician".  They manipulated my computers. 
She also seems extremely confident there will be no consequences.  I am working with an attorney and the popo.  The police seem to be in no hurry to act, even though I have already solved the case for them and presented them with paper trails and the bank provided video evidence.  Lots of the theft was done by atm. 
Ebay is being helpful with buyers straightening out my ebay rating.
story devolping.
Thanks for encouragement.   
Technically we are all half-centaur. - Nick Offerman


What a terrible story.  I remember posts of yours listing all the issues with your ex, but this really goes beyond sanity.

I hope you get it out quickly and there are enough consequences to prevent her from trying it again.
Function f(x)
Follow me on Instagram as pickdropper


Sorry the Cops came off as jaded.. Don't know how much they can do.
My Ex just wrote checks and forged my name, stole my studio monitors and anything else she could grab.
Left me with the mortgage and three kids. Crazy stuff man...I understand being numb. But things are getting better for me,
I'm sure they will for you too, but it takes time. 

Is your divorce finalized?


Man, speechless.  I pray for quick resolution and strength for you. 

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