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sharkfin voltages?

Started by wgc, April 28, 2015, 05:22:07 AM

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hi all

just built up my sharkfin pcb from 2014, but she no work.  Rough guess at the moment is a bad 1044.

Anyone have voltages they are willing to post?

always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Self pity bump...

I will post my voltages when I get home but really think it may be the 1044 ic, maybe a diode.

I would swap it already but I gave away my thru hole parts and don't want to order just the ic until I know for sure that is the issue.
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Well, if it turns out to be a bad through hole part, don't make an order special for it.
I'll send you what you need. (If only because you made me laugh by saying "...but I gave away my thru hole parts...")


I have started a build... might be a long way from completing it tho as I get about an hour a month on these things.  I'l defo post some voltages if mine fires up :)


I'll try to post them tomorrow if I find some time :)


Here are the voltages, I had all the controls maxed out and it was in envelope mode, the PSU was reading 9.27v
Hope this helps :)

IC 1                 IC2                 IC3                   IC4                 IC5                 IC6
0                      0                    -8.82                -8.84               -8.97                9.27
0                      0                     0                      0                      0                     4.65
0                      0                     0                      0                     -5.1                  0
-8.45               -8.45               -8.97               -8.98                -8.98               -4.42
-7.8                 -7.8                 -8.84                -8.8                 -8.86               -8.98
-0.1                  0                     -0.04                0                     -7.64               4.8
8.73                 8.75                 9.27                 9.26                 9.26               4.11
0                      0                     0                      0                     0                      9.27


Thanks much guys, you make me laugh too.  No need to send any parts Angelo,
its very kind but not needed; I'm sure I could make a worthwhile order!

Miha, thanks so much!  I did a few searches for Sharkfin voltages, but the only ones
posted had issues, and not updated when the issue was resolved.  So, please accept
my deep thanks for posting yours!  Clearly, something is not right with mine.

I have no sound, the led lights solid, and that's about it. The sample/hold switch is
wired but seems to have no effect on anything.   

I have double and triple checked the wiring, polarities, locations, etc which is not to
say there couldn't be a mistake there, only that nothing jumped out at me. 

Used board mount pots, so I don't think I screwed up there.  I did use a 1M pot for
rez since the 2M is taller and would cause boxing issues.

I have not wired a bypass switch yet, so I know that's not the issue but certainly
think it could be otherwise.

I'm sure its something simple, just haven't had a lot of time to really dig in.
I suspect the max1044 mostly because of how it was packaged, and also because
of the voltages.  Gotta spend some time with datasheets and the schematic. 

Weird that I'm getting voltages where there shouldn't be any.  Makes me think
it is maybe shorted somewhere, I'll have to ohm things out.

If I get a chance I will try to post some pix too.  I'm not omitting a negative sign
either, my meter will read reverse voltages, but I'm not getting them where you
have them.


IC1 (CA3080):

1)  0      
2)  .02      
3)  5.62      
4)  2.26      
5)  1.69
6)  1.77
7)  9.04
8 )  0

IC2 (CA3080):

1)  0      
2) .08      
3)  0      
4)  2.24      
5)  1.66
6)  5.64
7)  9.04
8 )  0

IC3 (LM741):

1)  2.33   
2)  .52   
3)  0   
4)  2.29   
5)  2.26
6)  8.33
7)  9.1
8 )  0

IC4 (LM741):

1)  2.22      
2)  4.17      
3)  0      
4)  2.31      
5)  2.26
6)  4.22
7)  9.08
8 )  0

IC5 (LM741):

1)  2.22      
2)  4.12      
3)  2.88      
4)  2.25      
5)  2.33
6)  3.7
7)  9.08
8 )  0

IC6 (MAX1044CPA:

1)  9.1      
2)  1.5      
3)  0      
4)  .34      
5)  .44
6)  7.52
7)  .02
8 )  9.09

Thanks so much!!!!
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings


Sure, no problem :) So you have the LED lit in both modes? It should only be turned on (and blinking) in SH mode.
I think trying to swap IC6 is a good idea based on the voltages and maybe try an audio probe to see if any signal is getting through.
And if you need a charge pump, I have a few to spare, can test them in my sharkfin to confirm they're ok :)


yeah, the led is on all the time, no blink, switch position doesn't matter.  This also makes me think there may be a short.  Haven't tried audio probe yet.

I appreciate the offer for parts, but I may have one of the other compatible charge pumps available in another pedal that works that I can swap in there to verify.

I will be sure to post whatever I find.
always the beautiful answer who asks a more beautiful question.
e.e. cummings