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New Gear Thread

Started by raulduke, February 22, 2016, 12:38:49 PM

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We have a lot of NGD threads, and it's always fun to see what people have been buying, so maybe it could be fun to have a thread where we can collate all these 'New Gear Day' posts in one place?

Just bought one of these (Yamaha EM90A) with the intention of running my synths etc. through as a summing mixer. Figured it would be more fun than buying something new and utilitarian.

The spring reverb sounds great (surprisingly). The preamp's sound good (although I haven't had chance to check out the mic preamps yet). The rhythm generator is a basic analogue drum machine that is a novelty at best. I may record some of the rhythms from it for a laugh though.

I also posted this (Korg SDD1000) before the forum went down, but thought I would show it again.
This thing sounds gorgeous. Really really nice delay. I love the hold feature. Why modern digital delays do not have this I do not know.

Another one that I got was this Guyatone Analogue Delay. Has a nice clean tone for an analogue delay (a lot cleaner than the Carbon Copy I had). It also has a dual time feature where you can footswitch between two delay times. Quite useful. I love the graphics on this too. Pure 80's  :)

I'm on a real 'old and cheap' gear bent at the moment. Some really nice stuff is available for very little outlay. Plus a lot of it looks way cooler than modern stuff  ;D


What does the hold function on the SDD-1000 precisely do? Is it akin to the hold function on the Boss DD2/3 pedals? Which seems to be a primitive first step towards the current loop functions that many modern delays have.


Quote from: Muadzin on February 22, 2016, 01:30:33 PM
What does the hold function on the SDD-1000 precisely do? Is it akin to the hold function on the Boss DD2/3 pedals? Which seems to be a primitive first step towards the current loop functions that many modern delays have.

It loops the current delay buffer indefinitely and mutes the input signal. Eg. if you have a time of 550ms set then it loops 550ms. You can also play with the filter and modulation settings for sh*ts and giggles.

The Lexicon Primetime features a hold function, which in collaboration with a sample rate control, allows for all sorts of sh*ts and giggles. Look up Daniel Lanois Black Dub for some examples (Brian Eno is a fan as well by all accounts).

Mostly it's just a lot of FUN... like a lot of things that are primitive (one particular primitive activity... perhaps the most primitive of them all...springs to mind  ;))


Those are very nice.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


I got a couple things lately that I can wholeheartedly recommend.

First is the new One-Spot Pro. I needed to replace the wall-wart One-Spot, which I'd become annoyed with because of the noise and how it has a tendency to whine with charge pumps and other plugs. Looked at all the options and counterintuitively decided to take a shot with the new One-Spot pro and it's awesome. Totally silent. All the options I need and more. Only complaint is that the hook up cables that come with it are rather short.

The other is the new Polytune clip-on tuner. It's amazingly accurate, easy to see and easy to use.

"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Well, there's this

So, that's a thing

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.



Quote from: raulduke on February 23, 2016, 06:44:35 PM
That esp is a beaut.
Thanks, the dimarzios scream.

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Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


This is not new, but I have finally dialed it in after fiddling with the setup for a few months. Sold an old G&L bass that I loved but never bonded with and had one of the luthiers from echo park guitars make me a nice Neck and body. I finished them myself with shellac (from flake) and tru-oil. Pickups are from Timbo (is he winding again?).

Here's Timbo's description of the pickups: The neck pickup is a P-Bass, ~10k, 42awg plain enamel wire, alnico 5 magnets, but with the bobbin flatwork shaved to fit inside a Jazzmaster cover, and with the rod magnets exposed like a WRHB.

The bridge pickup is a humbucker based off Jazz bass pickups, but with 40awg wire on one coil and 42awg on the other, raised rods on one side to match the WRHB-like configuration of the neck. It reads 11k5, fit in the JM cover just perfect.

Sounds and feels amazing:


I remember the post about those pickups. Great idea, they look set in there. The whole bass looks great.


Not super new gear but the best tuner I've ever used (and currently own) is the Sonic Research ST-300. It's something like 99.98% accurate (+/-.02 cents) and I find the stroboscope is much easier and faster to dial in than the bar style or needle style tuners everyone else tends to use.

I've played with the polytune clip ons above as well and they are SUPER nice for a clip on tuner (accurate to +/- 1 cent), definitely the best clip on out there, but I'll stick with my turbo tuner :P


Quote from: raulduke on February 22, 2016, 12:38:49 PM
I also posted this (Korg SDD1000) before the forum went down, but thought I would show it again.
This thing sounds gorgeous. Really really nice delay. I love the hold feature. Why modern digital delays do not have this I do not know.

I saw your original post, and GAS'd bad for one of these:

It's in the post now.... can't wait till it arrives! Squeeee! :D



It got a rave review in Sound on Sound. Looks great in the demo videos as well.

Think there must be some magic in the SDD delays.

Saying that pretty much everything Korg makes has a bit of magic in there 8)


Quote from: raulduke on February 24, 2016, 03:09:04 PM
Think there must be some magic in the SDD delay.
Indeed, the best kind of magic smoke is stored inside! I think my pedalboard's gonna freak when it sees the size of this thing. :o


Hi everyone!
I think this is my first post in almost 5 months.... been busy with all the changes (moving to London, starting new masters, etc). Haven't built a pedal in a while.
However, I need to show my new beauty. I couldn't live without a guitar, so I got this 2nd hand 2000's Korean Levinson Blade Texas.
Amazing guitar for the price, building quality is amazing (fret ends covered with wood  ::) ) and the woods are resonant and nice. Neck is thinner than my G&L, but still 12'' radius It has Fender Noisless pickups that I'll change for some Dimarzio if I am ever able to recover from paying rent in London. The bridge saddles are from a Japanese high-end Levinson and have to say I really like them.

Here is the original advert, the photos have better quality than mine:
Paid 310 pounds for it.
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