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Suggestions for Victoria, BC, visit?

Started by jubal81, April 20, 2017, 05:26:07 AM

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Taking a long weekend next week to visit Victoria and wondering if anyone has some suggestions on things to see or do. We''ll have the car with us, so we could check out other spots on the island, too.

Other than just walking around town, looks like the Butchart Gardens are a good bet and the Royal BC museum looks pretty interesting.

We don't have any itinerary, so open to whatever. Only my second visit beyond the Canuckistani border, so if there's any uniquely Canadian food or experience I have to try, lemme know!
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


There is an awesome restaurant my wife and I go to when we're there called It's located right on the wharf, so it's a pretty neat experience. Always a long line up when we've been, so plan to go when you're ready to stand for a while and you aren't starving.

Downtown is pretty neat to just experience. The Old Fairmont is right there, so plan to go for Lunch at RfBf and then walk through the wharf market (if it's in season) and tour the lobby of the hotel. It's beautiful to just be there.

If you've a hardy stomach and haven't done it before, you could try taking one of the whale watching tours. There's also some water plane tours that I've never tried, but seem like a pretty rad experience. Probably pricey.

On the Island, there's lots to see. My In-Laws live up the island from Victoria in a little town called Chemainus. The town is covered in hand painted murals, and has a bunch of touristy stuff to do. To be honest, the trip up the highway over the Malahat is worth doing just for the beautiful scenery.

If you like hiking, you could probably try and do a day out on the trail. There's lots of amazing trails, and often right on the coast. Don't try and do any of the West Coast Trail unless you're experienced and have 7 days.
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I unfortunately do not have anything to add but... My wife and I spent 1 week there on out honeymoon and 1 week in Vancouver and it was a BLAST! The people in Victory were so friendly. We were shopping for some artwork and we got invited to dinner with the shop owner, to their house.. we were taken back by this and I asked the lady at our B&B and she said this was completely normal. Coming from California, I have never seen this and the first thing that went through my head was we were going to be murdered. lol Went went to their house and has a wonderful dinner and made a great contact for the future.

This was 18 years ago and now talking about it, It needs to happen again. I would love to get my wife and I back there one day.



Quote from: selfdestroyer on April 20, 2017, 06:27:21 PM
I unfortunately do not have anything to add but... My wife and I spent 1 week there on out honeymoon and 1 week in Vancouver and it was a BLAST! The people in Victory were so friendly. We were shopping for some artwork and we got invited to dinner with the shop owner, to their house.. we were taken back by this and I asked the lady at our B&B and she said this was completely normal. Coming from California, I have never seen this and the first thing that went through my head was we were going to be murdered. lol Went went to their house and has a wonderful dinner and made a great contact for the future.

This was 18 years ago and now talking about it, It needs to happen again. I would love to get my wife and I back there one day.


It's not just Victoria, there's lots of places in Canada where that's normal. Not all places, but certainly many. You'd probably not be surprised about it, but the Canadian approach to hospitality has generally been generous.

JMK Pedals - Custom Pedal Creations
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Royal BC Museum is definitely worth it.  So too is a stop at the Empress - or a walk-through anyway (shame they closed the Bengal Bar).  You can skip the high-priced, high tea at the Empress and have a very nice tea and fresh baking experience in one of the tea rooms in Oak Bay (e.g. White Heather Tea Room).  A walk-around the inner harbor and past the parliament buildings is always nice. I also liked the Robert Bateman Centre (in the old ferry terminal at one end of the harbor) when I stopped in.  Beacon Hill Park is great: walk from town through the park and along the seawall or do it in parts if you'd like a shorter walk.  Go to the bug zoo and miniature world if you have kids.  Check out some breweries if you don't!  Butchart Gardens is nice too. 

If you go up-island, check out Cowichan Bay (make time for a walk and lunch).  A walk around Chemainus is good too; I grew up nearby, but haven't been back in years, so I'm not sure if the murals have been kept up.  They were neat back in the day. 


Lots of good suggestions. For food, I love Ferris' Oyster Bar - their burgers and fries are thee best. Rebar is great if you enjoy veggies. Phillips or Driftwood breweries for beer (Driftwoods' Fat Tug IPA may be my favourite beer of all time).

One of my fav things to do there is drive from Cadboro bay all along the water to downtown - doesn't take long, and it's a beautiful drive.

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Great suggestions, guys. Thanks!

Red Fish/Blue Fish definitely on the list, along with a trip to driftwood. I've got a real taste for craft beer these days. Less than a year in the Pacific Northwest and anything under 50 IBU tastes like beer-water now.

One thing that's clear is one trip isn't going to cut it. Vancouver Island looks pretty amazing and it's going to take more than couple trips to really explore.

Other than the museum, any other cool places to go if it's raining?
"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


I spent the summer of 2013 in Victoria.

In town, I highly recommend taking the quick hike up Mount Douglas (or you can drive most of the way to the top).  There's another great lookout at Mt Tolmie park, which is near the U Vic campus. 

When I first visited U Vic around 2006 the campus was overrun with rabbits and worth the trip just to see them all. The problem has since been "dealt with" but when I was there in 2013 there were wild deer all over the place.  I saw at least a couple each day as I walked to and from buildings on campus.

Butchart Gardens is also great to experience - see if you can go in the afternoon/evening and catch their fireworks display.  A bit pricey, but I've never seen anything like it.  Unreal.

Near Butchart Gardens is Gowlland Tod provincial park, I had an amazing hike there.

Downtown, it's fun to take a little ride on one of the tiny harbour-ferry taxi boats.  The drivers are usually quite hilarious and friendly and will give you good recommendations for other stuff.

If you like sashimi, Ebizo was top notch for quality when I was there.  If you're into creative sushi, check out Sen Zushi. 

Shine Cafe if you like Eggs Benedict. 

If you're into books, there was a pretty epic used bookstore downtown called Russell Books.  I got lost in there for hours.

OH - This is the perfect time of year to check out Beacon Hill Park, because I bet the goats just had their babies.  There is a petting zoo, and it's great to be there when they open the barn and the baby goats all come running out in a stampede.  Sounds silly, but it will make your day.  The local cable channel used to have a 24hour live feed because everyone loves them so much.  Any of the locals will probably be able to tell you what time is best to go.


Thanks for all the tips, guys. Got back yesterday and had a great time. I think Vancouver Island is my new favorite place. Sorry - favourite.

This thread was a lot of help. Here's what we were able to get to this time:
Fisherman's Wharf (seals were sad because you're not allowed to feed them anymore)
Beacon Hill park and the baby goats (This made my finance positively giddy. She was so happy)
Royal BC museum and an IMAX movie
Butchart Gardens
Drive up to Chemainus to see more of the Island and had a great lunch at Willow Street Cafe.

Missed out on the Red Fish Blue FIsh - it was closed so I had to 'settle' for fish and chips at Flying Otter (which was the best I'd ever had in my life - not to mention trying the Hoyner Pilsener here, which was really, really good)

"If you put all the knobs on your amplifier on 10 you can get a much higher reaction-to-effort ratio with an electric guitar than you can with an acoustic."
- David Fair


Fiance? Congratulations! Looks like you guys had a great time. I haven't been to Victoria, but loved Vancouver when we went for our fifth anniversary.


I'm glad you got up to Chemainus. They have a really great theatre there I should have remembered to tell you about. My Sister in-law used to work at willow Street. My wife and I went there at least once or twice a week. Sounds like you packed a lot of vacation into a short time.

The Island is my happy place. I miss it terribly.

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