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PPP stocked enclosures

Started by gtr2, September 21, 2011, 02:04:38 PM

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The thing I don't understand on that enclosure I got was that it was wrapped nicely in that foam wrapping, so there couldn't have been any damage in shipping.  So it had to have been like that when they packaged it.  Are they trying to lose customers?

BTW, Yes, it's a LaVache.


I've ordered four enclosures from PPP and they are perfect. I've ordered 6 from Mammoth and was disappointed with all but one. The paint is very thin, the translucent was very uneven and they chip easily. That said, I still use mammoth for other things and am happy otherwise. PPP has awesome customer service.
I should still be a "diode destroyer"!


Yea I just got my third messed up order in a row from big hairy elephant thingy and they will no longer receive my business. I realize I'm a little fish with my 100 dollar orders every two weeks or so but this is really unacceptable. Big ups and big apologies to PedalPartsPlus, I'm back!


I've yet to order enclosures from PPP but they do have a huge selection that I don't see most other smaller shops.
I recently ordered some from mammoth, the first powder-coated enclosures I've bought yet and one of them I'd say is pretty poor. I'm gonna make it work, but I felt like it should have been sanded even before painting at least. Oh well, the other one looks amazing!
That's why I plan on doing it myself soon!
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


I'm curious, to what extent could the damage from Mammoth have been shipping? Or, did you already rule that out?

I just got a UPS order and the box was all beat to poo and my oil based grain sealer was leaking   >:(

Just curious. I use Mammoth a lot for everything else as I paint my enclosures.


I picked up two belms and two custon drilled and painted enclosures from PPP. Pretty long wait for custom but they are excellent quality!


You guys should really email Blake from "that harry elephant place"

I think he should know that you guys are still receiving blems.  It's not shipping damage.  I can attest to that.

Contract PCB designer


I know 100% it wasn't from shipping damage. The one w/ blems also has a few spots where I can see the metal through the paint. I feel like I'm being a little over observant but I can't help it. Just doesn't seem like its worth the mind-space/time to complain and get another to replace it or my money back. I'm not gonna be excited when it chips though... :-\
Owner and operator of Magic Pedals


The packing from Mammoth is quite good so none of this is shipping damage. My complaints center around missing knobs, wrong color knobs, wrong value components, missing components, bad switches [not their fault I know] and coated enclosures. The enclosures are what is killing me: severe orange peel, large divots under the coating on the face of the pedal [unacceptable for a customer build], coatings so thin and uneven you can see and feel the zig-zag spray pattern, coatings so light they don't really cover the metal and feel like sandpaper.

Blake is a good dude and always makes things right but pushing my ship dates back a week or two while I wait on new boxes makes me look like a jerk. Sending a complaint email after every order is making me feel like a jerk. I really like their knob selection and they're great for picking up the few odd value components I need for particular projects but the QC and order pickers have to bring their attention to detail level into line with Blake's customer service if they want my repeat business.


Contract PCB designer