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Started by jeffaroo, January 09, 2013, 03:02:24 AM

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By almost any standard available, political correctness is the dumbest self inflicted wound that has ever subverted a society. It is thought control camouflaged as courtesy. It is un-Constitutional in its very real ability to suppress Constitutionally protected civil liberties like Freedom of Speech, but, since there is nobody in formal charge of and responsible for political correctness, there's nobody to indict.

It discourages open public discussions of critical national issues, lest we offend someone. And there are social penalties for being politically correct that never see a courtroom, permit no self defense and are implemented without mercy and without appeal.

We are watching the fury of political correctness as the momentum builds for gun control in the wake of the Sandy Hook ES tragedy. It is a "consensus" built, much like the Tea Party movement, on adrenalin, without necessarily any clear focus or long term thought. Yet if you object, you're as much a monster as the emotionally damaged young man who executed 20 children after first planting several slugs into his mother's head.

No sane person can condone that action. Yet sane people who watch the forces of political correctness fan the fires of public anger at all gun ownership in this country, are seeing, first hand, the power of political correctness as they are branded as troglodytes, fascists or worse by the politically correct. The media helps fan the flames, but the political correctness doesn't generate within their ranks. Clearly, they don't have the stones to stand up to the politically correct. QED.

The issue of Sandy Hook and other mass murders in recent years is complex. The problems transcend guns, but guns are taking the brunt of the anger because there are no simple solutions to the real problems and the politically correct won't even let us discuss those issues candidly or aggressively to try to find some synergy and solutions. Such discussions might offend someone.

Dealing effectively with the mentally unbalanced is a very slippery slope medically, legally and socially. Too complex a problem for a population that needs their voting results color coded so they'll know who won. It's a lot easier to let those with strong gun control opinions drive the train since they're already focused and, after all, it was bullets that killed all those people. It's a lot easier to let the politically correct rant and rave rather than actually thinking, evaluating issues in context and coming to solutions that actually make sense.

We have become a very stupid people and, as Pogo put it: "We have met the enemy...and he is US!!!" Grab your ankles, gang. This is going to get ugly! The dismantling of the Constitution is almost complete. Just a few lug nuts left. The media will undoubtedly applaud the actions of the politically correct when it all happens and will be the most surprised people on earth when it dawns on them how they'll be treated in a nation that doesn't have "Freedom of the Press" protections built into its infrastructure.
Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !


I think we should have a new link in the members area called "Politically Incorrect" that way we can post without stepping on some goody-to-shoes and pissing them off. Free to chat, free to post. if they complain about it, go stomp sand. don't like it ? don't go in there ! they have no business complaining about a place they don't have to go. treat it like the corner of the video store.
i have art id love to etch/decal on some pedals, but I know it will put a wrinkle in somebodys hemorrhoid if it had a naked lady on it. Does it mean I shouldnt post it ? Hell no, we build pedals and finish/etch them. I feel like I owe to you guys if i were to do such a etch. DONT LIKE IT, DONT GO IN !

Not enough germaniums in this world to complete my wish list !
