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Messages - wizestwizard

General Questions / Re: 42TL002 Availability
October 04, 2022, 08:57:22 PM
FYI, I bought a bunch on Mouser while they were backordered and just got them, so they may be in stock on the site now too. Might not have to wait for November.
General Questions / Re: 42TL022 Availability
August 06, 2022, 03:18:13 AM
Oops, yes, sorry. Currently building a Retrograde as well, that uses the TM022, managed to combine them for this question lol. The 42TL002 is what I'm looking for and is very much impossible to find as far as I can tell. It's backordered on Mouser with expected availability in November
General Questions / 42TL002 Availability
August 05, 2022, 01:18:51 PM
Not sure if this is the right area of the forum to post this - anyone have any idea where to source 42TL002 transformers? I'm building a PedalPCB Octanaut and all of the usual (and some of the unusual) suspects are either backordered or don't have this particular transformer at all. Also open to suggestions for substitutes. Thanks!
Bumping this, I can't seem to find these anywhere
Errata, Corrections, Revisions / Re: Laureate correction
September 16, 2021, 12:45:52 PM
Anyone (@madbean) have suggestions as to where to buy the 2 pin connectors used on this build? I bought it and it sounds awesome, I would like to start using them on other builds as well where possible since it's just much neater and makes removing the board much easier if necessary. Thanks!
General Questions / Re: Changing pot values
September 16, 2021, 12:43:58 PM
Quote from: Grazza on September 16, 2021, 08:16:49 AM
Thanks heaps, I'll try small bear, I wasn't able to get it happening properly on my phone so I think I gave up. Will try a PC. Yes, definitely a 20k pot, haven't been able to find one, will just use a 25k, no Biggie. Thanks again for everyone's help.

Yeah, Smallbear is excellent for finding a lot of things, their site works very poorly on mobile devices in my experience though lol. Hard to actually add anything to your cart if I remember correctly? Good luck, let us know how it goes!
Anyone have a good source to get the type of connectors used in the Laureate build? I'd like to start using these in all of my builds for ease of testing and connecting/disconnecting if need be, but I've mostly found the type that have wires on both sides as opposed to the female connector having male header pins so you can solder it directly to the board. Thanks!
Went through with a dmm, somehow stuck a 10k resistor in instead of a 100R lol, easy fix. I keep all of my parts rigorously organized so I must have just read it wrong
This was unfortunately not the problem 🙁 only one of those was actually a bridge and I think it may have actually been a bit of splatter from working on another pedal lol idk if I actually tried it with the bridge present
I actually did that with this because I had to resize the pictures so I could upload them lol. I'm gonna be home in about an hour so I can confirm, but I have pretty good eyes so I can usually spot stuff without zooming in. Conversely, my hearing is shot, which is cool because every pedal always sounds good to me 😅
Thanks guys! I'll check this out when I get home, I looked over the board and didn't see any bridges, so it's possible that this is more the angle of the picture than anything, BUT I hope I'm just blind and that this stones the issue lol. That's usually the first thing I check, but it was late so definitely possible that I missed it.
Did you finish the board(s) for this yet? I just finished up a junk trunk and am experiencing a massive volume drop with it engaged. It passes signal, and the effect is working, but the volume drop is to the point where it's currently unusable. All my voltages are correct per the build doc, so I'm curious if you've experienced anything similar? Thanks!
One of the resistors (3k3 next to the bipolar cap to be exact) had somehow broken off from the lead right at the board. Replaced it, works great now!
VFE Projects / Re: Tractor Beam power /LFO issue
March 06, 2021, 03:09:38 AM
That was my hope but since it's been a month I kinda lost hope. I just tried pulling and resoldering the transistors, checked them after I pulled them to make sure they were still OK and they are. Just fought with the bias trimmer again as well after putting them back in, still same issue. I feel like it's gotta be one of the components in the LFO but between my lack of knowledge and the crazy schematic idk where to even start lol
Just finished the Junk Trunk and it passes signal and I can hear it don't some envelope filter type things, but there's a MASSIVE volume drop with the effect on vs when bypassed. I've checked all voltages against the build doc and they match up, so I'm not sure what the issue could be. Any help is appreciated! Thanks!