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Topics - Adam_DIY

I picked up a hot rod deville 2x12 recently and so far we're getting on famously, however, I've been told I can put a volume pedal in the loop to help give a little more control over the rather twitchy volume when I'm using it at home.

Does anyone have a link to a layout/schematic I could use?  I'm not sure what value pot or the best way to wire it up.
Some background first - I built a load of pedals on pcb and Vero using parts from Tayda and to be honest I wasn't that happy with any of them they were all kinda noisy and had some scratchiness mixed in with the OD or noisy repeats on delays. 
I'd been trying to figure out why a sweet honey OD I made a few weeks before didn't sound that great and eventually switched out the wimpy looking tiny ceramic cap for an NPO I had just ordered. Immediately the annoying scratchy fuzziness was gone.  So I went through all of my recent builds and desoldered the tiny Tayda ceramics replacing with NPO as I went and every single pedal improved massively.

The problem I'm now having is sourcing some of the weirder values in the UK e.g 390p and 820p for a Klone. I've looked at bitsbox, RS, farnell, Cpc and rapid.  The problem I'm having finding C0G or NPO in these values is they're either huge, ridiculously expensive or I have to buy 100 of them.

So UK/European builders where do you buy your ceramics from?  I'm thinking I'm going to have to bite the bullet and order from Mouser and pay the import taxes.
Open Discussion / New Fuzzdog boards
July 11, 2016, 10:12:34 PM
Looks like a bunch of new pcbs are going to hit fuzzdogs pedal parts over the next week.  I've been waiting for the regular EP Booster to come back into stock but might order a mini board now to pop my 1590a cherry  ;D
I'm building a pedal for a friend and wanted a top notch finish so paid for a rather expensive 1590bb powder coated enclosure in white instead of painting myself.  It turned up this morning and to be honest I'd have gotten a better finish if I had painted it myself.  Because I'm in the UK I've never ordered a powder coated enclosure before, the postage from PPP makes it Just too expensive.

This enclosure was ordered from an eBay seller in the UK.  Is this normal for powder coating or am I expecting too much?  Having never ordered one before I honestly don't know. 

Something I've been thinking about recently I've just built 2 KOT clones for myself and a friend one on pcb and one on vero both builds are using the same brand and part values though admittedly I didn't meter every part before installing them.  The pcb pedal sounds really good and just like the last KOT I made myself the vero, however, sounds absolutely fantastic.  I've spent ages over the last few nights going back to back and cannot tell the difference between the two pcb pedals when they've been dialed in whereas the vero build both me and my friend could pick it out everytime regardless of which of us was playing.  I get that components have tolerances I've used metal film resistors 1% tolerance, 5% film caps and NPO ceramics in all of them from the same order could the individual tolerances add up to one pedal being spectacular compared with the others? 

If that is the case then how often have you had a 'magic' pedal?

Build Reports / Group Shot
May 15, 2016, 06:01:54 PM
Instead of 6 seperate threads I thought it was easier to just go for a group shot for the pedals I've built recently.

From left to right top row

Grind Customs Tenebrion Reverb
Vero Deep Blue Delay Clone
Crunch box clone

Bottom row
Grind Customs Catch 22
Sweet Honey OD
Archer Klone

Open Discussion / Function FX demo
May 06, 2016, 02:02:11 PM
I had a look and couldn't see a thread if this has already been posted.  They both sound really good.
Build Reports / Queen of Tone
April 13, 2016, 09:15:15 PM
Well I'm a long time lurker who finally joined the site in the last week or so and thought I'd share with the rest of the class.  Just finished this tonight build number 10 The Queen of Tone featuring Dr Mrs The Monarch on a Rullywow Queen of Bone pcb. 

I've had the pcb for about 5 months now and was a little intimidated when I started as I've never built anything with this high a parts count or with 2 channels but it was really easy and worked first time.  Ben's instructions were great and he was really helpful when I asked him stupid questions via email.