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Topics - TNblueshawk

Tech Help - Projects Page / Pork Barrel V2
September 10, 2013, 03:18:31 PM
Howdy fellers. I've got an old PB board from 2010 I think it is. Version 2 anyway. Can't seem to get it to chorus. So here we go with what I have thus far. Ran out of time this morning before heading to work but I have some voltages at least.

First, bypass is good. Stomp on the FS and signal comes through fine. But, nothing I do with the knobs has any effect. I moved the trimmer ever so slowly and get no change in the signal. Now this old version has 3 SPST toggles. Two of the toggles do nothing when switched meaning the signal flows through just fine no matter which posistion the toggle is in. Curiously the Vibe toggle when switched cuts the signal off completely. Switch back and the signal is clear.

I doubled checked IC orientation, trannie orientation and diode orientation. I didn't have time to check all resistor/cap values this morning.

I also reflowed all joints (removing IC's of course). Checked under the mag glass for any bridges - none. Double checked my wiring and it looks good.

So on to the voltages: IC's purchased from Small Bear. All trannies are 5008's

IC1 4558

1 through 3: 3.48v
4: 0
5 through 7: 3.48v
8: 9.47v

IC2 TL062

1: Fluctuates 2.47-6.99v
2: 4.76v
3: Fluc's 3.6-5.75v
5 and 6: 4.75v
7: Fluc's 3.71-5.6v
8: 9.47v

IC3 MN3101

1: 9.36v
2: 4.79v
3: 0
4: 4.82v
5: .30v  ??
6: 8.2v
7: Fluc's 2.97-3.21v
8: .62v    ??

IC4: MN3007

1: 9.37v
2: 4.83v
3: 2.77v
4: .63v
5: 0
6: 4.79v
7: 9.41v
8: 9.41v

Trannies: All these read C,B,E in order

Q1: 2.52, 2.98, 9.46
Q2: 6.28, 3.32, 9.46
Q3: 2.69, 3.18, 9.46
Q4: 0, .40, 7.90-8.12 Fluc's
Q5: 3.15-4.46 Flucs, 3.65-4.95 Fluc's, 9.37

There are a few odd low value or what appears to be odd and low but I'm not sure.

Anyone have any thoughts? I am guessing that this PB is not one where the trimmer is so sensitive that there is that one tiny sweet spot that you have to hunt and find....I hope as I couldn't find it moving every so slowly on the trimmer.
General Questions / Pork Barrell V.2
September 02, 2013, 09:51:43 AM
Does anyone have a link to the BOM for this old version?
General Questions / SAD1024 chip and the Collasolus
August 14, 2013, 03:28:28 PM
Does anyone know if you happen to have an SAD1024, which I do, can I just plug that into this build or are there some things I would need to tweak in order to do so?
Open Discussion / I'm in a dither troubleshooting
June 22, 2013, 07:00:02 PM
So, I'm curious what you chaps would think about this. I was having such a good run of working builds but alas time to be stumped.

So there is this OD circuit. The type doesn't matter in the context of how I would like to phrase this. You have 2 other circuits in the box too that both work thus ruling out in/out jacks as an issue. Said circuit is the first one in line. Dead as a door knob.

I'll just tell you know I swapped out the foot switch to rule it out knowing it was not it but you know.... So I draw out the audio circuit and break out the audio probe. My signal is dead on the input. However it is live on the output? How is that possible?

So, I sort of work backwards from output to input in the audio path and find the dead spot. I had to stop to take off in a minute or two before I desolder some parts. Looking at where the I guess is the word I sure can't see any bad soldering.

Anyway, I can't get my mind around how my signal is dead from the input of either the jack, switch or the PCB yet I'm getting a signal on the output and about half the audio path components up to a point.

I'm sure I can't see the forest from the trees so if someone could point me to the forest that would be great  :-[
Open Discussion / Jury Duty
June 06, 2013, 03:23:50 PM
Well, I just served 2 days worth Mon and Tue for the first time in my life. I'm 49. Apparently they use drivers license registrations to pull from and since I've been a registred driver since before I was 18 almost in one county the whole time you got me as to why I was never called.

Fellers, there is a whole 'nother world out there that I want no part of. Criminal armed robbery between 2 rival gang members. I didn't really fancy being in that juror's box to be honest. What I listened to for those 2 days was fascinating and a depressing reality. I didn't 'learn' anything. What I thought I knew was only re-enforced sadly.

I hope it is another 49 years before I have to sit through that again.

Oh, I did 'learn' one thing. Apparently the GD's or the Ganster Disciples is not a gang at all like the Crips who are. They are and I quote " organization similar to the Boys and Girls Club...designed to help the community and the children of the community..."  Other than this I didn't actually learn anything.

Any other stories worth sharing? Curious how some other coutries work this.
Build Reports / Guitarmageddon's Expandatron
May 31, 2013, 03:41:15 PM
Well, this was a cool build. Rather ugly wiring but what are you gonna do. I've only tested to make sure it works and all is good to go. And no doubt your pick attach plays huge in this one. I did all the mods but one which I believe was the touch sensitivity mod if I recall correctly. I couldn't come up with a name and I obviously went with a predictable pic.

Open Discussion / So it turns out..
May 17, 2013, 03:44:57 PM
that if while building guitarpcb's D'Lay with Tap Tempo that if you have your input wire buried under a rats nests of wires unhooked to the D'Lay board you get no sound  :o

Sheesh, I learn something new every day  ::)
Build Reports / Royalty aka Aristocrat
May 15, 2013, 04:28:50 PM
Well, nothing like using a square file and hot glue  ;D I have no idea why I put those dippers on the outside except I could and I did which is all the justification I need!

Open Discussion / Anyone speak Italian?
May 09, 2013, 07:08:17 PM
Build Reports / Harmony (serendipity)
May 02, 2013, 07:53:22 PM
Great sounding OD! Thanks to Pickdropper I was able to figure out how to shoe horn this think into the enclosure  :D

General Questions / Serendipity Version 4
April 05, 2013, 01:07:44 AM
Does anyone have the build docs for this version? I seem to have acquired a board with this version. Don't remember who/what/where. I know none of you ever have that trouble  :P
Build Reports / Sighs of War
November 19, 2012, 10:08:45 AM
Bean's Warhead of course. What a pleasure to build this compared to another vibe I'm trying to get done. Still can't decide where to set the trimmers. More warble or less?

Didn't plan to flip the board but that is the only way I can get it in there as I screwed the pooch drilling this one  :-[

Build Reports / My Pink Weener
October 23, 2012, 06:05:19 PM

Many thanks to Grindcustoms for the brass plate!

General Questions / Warhead PS
October 21, 2012, 07:52:35 PM
Hey guys, if I use a Road Rage ro run this on 18v, will that work?

In reading the BOM it seems to indicate that not enough current will be supplied ?
I couldn't decide which one(s) of the DIY'ers boards I wanted to build so simply decided to build them all in a train like fashion. Most of them are Culturejam's but we have of course Gtr2, Captain Peyote and guitarmageddon, guitarplaya101 and FF Pedal and CJ collaberated I believe on the Sutter Trem.


The Snitch

Lucky 8

Shoot The Moon

Stutter Tremolo




General Questions / ma856 diodes
September 24, 2012, 07:25:11 PM
Anyone have a source for these anywhere? I'm trying but failing to locate thus far.
Build Reports / It's not a pedal but it is a Tele
August 20, 2012, 07:41:58 PM
Been working on this for 9 months. I'm not the quickest but I am steady! First guitar project build if you will. First nitro job and man did I spend an unreal amount of hours on it. I had a ton of help from some people at ReRanch and elsewhere to answer all my dumb questions.

I figure the traditional Tele lovers will hate this. The gold harware haters will hate it and well Tele haters hate it anyway  :P But I like it  :)

Body by Plaid Sabbath purchased on the second hand market. The neck is a Warmoth Wenge wood.

Build Reports / Luther's Dream: Creamy Dreamer
July 05, 2012, 01:56:44 PM
Finally got this puppy sounding good. I think Brian added an addendum to the build docs for the 22k.

Build Reports / Winter's bag o' blues - Dirtbag
June 30, 2012, 04:23:39 PM
What else can you say about a duplicate of the best delay ever  ;D...IMHO of course

Tech Help - Projects Page / Mudbunny farting out
June 27, 2012, 02:37:37 PM
Well, seems I get 4 working builds to 1 with an issue. Frustrating but what am I gonna do. Dirtbag fires right up and then this low part build....arghh...  :-[

Anyhoo built the 'old' Mudbunny board to Creamy D specs. Works fine in bypass. When engaged I get that farty sound. You know the one where when you build a fuzz and bias trimmer is all geeked up until you adjust it sound. Problem here is there is no bias trimmer.

Q4 is the issue as you will see from the voltages. Problem is I don't know where to go next. I put a few days between the build and troubleshoot to hit it with a fresh brain but I think I need a jump start. I've reflowed and no bridges anywhere.

Voltages for all the 5088's are:

Q1  through Q3 all the exact same     
C: 0             
E: 4.08   

C: .16
B: .75
E: .22

So I worked back from Q3 and checked voltages for those parts from there to Q4 as I'm losing something.
Voltage on each lead

C10v 1.01-4.05
R19v  3.16-4.02
C12v 1.89-.75
R20v 9.36-.75
R21v 0-.75

Tone pot:
1 = 3.16
2 = 1.89
3 = 1.01

Mids pot
1 = 0
2 = 0
3 = .15

Any one have any thoughts on where to concentrate? I'm not sure on what the norm should be for voltage drop but R20 sure looks screwy and C12 doesn't have much going into it.