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Messages - LizardKing

Introductions / The LizardKing appears!
December 27, 2014, 03:35:35 AM
Hi all,

New poster here though a long time lurker.
Gots me a new Cricut Explore so of course I want to have it make me some PCBs!
Anyone else use a Cricut to make PCBs?

Please bear with me as I am very much like your great grandfather would be if you were a typical American
50 or more years ago.
I will admit that I am most certainly infamous in many dark recesses of the colon of the internut so cut me some slack, Ise am what I am.
I am not here to make trouble, only geetar pedals, so I will try to stick to the technical stuff.
Of course, if y'all have a good sense of humour and can handle a positively prehistoric political outlook
then maybe on the offtopic subforums I can amuse y'all.
Global Annoucements / Re: 12.13 Etcher's Paradise update
December 27, 2014, 03:23:32 AM
Quote from: madbean on December 16, 2014, 09:33:47 AM
Obviously, this is ridiculously overdue. It's embarrassing, even. But, this whole year has been pretty intense (my buddies pickdropper and Culturejam know all too well). Once I get over this "hump" of getting the store replenished over the next several weeks, I am going to buckle down on the layouts. It's a big project because it also involves re-doing the website...which is probably why I have procrastinated on it so much. But, I have not forgotten!

I am a mad etcher who just received a CriCut Explore (new model that allows SVG files AND has a pen holder!)
and I have already downloaded a ton of projects from here, so please do put this out there but
thanks a whole lot for what you ALREADY have available.
Anyone else use a Cricut for pcb production?
I have some extra fine industrial sharpies on order that I think will fit with a simple sand/lathe of the pen body a bit.
Seek to draw directly on pcb, always had no problems with industrial sharpies and ferric chloride.

Makes etching a simple deal: draw, etch, drill.
Could even have the Cricut do the overlay on the other side, vinyl for box etching, painting, etc.

So again, thanks for making the amount of info you already have available, if you do as this thread says you will have the largest collection of fine arse effects projects for a mad etcher anywhere on the internut!