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Messages - raulduke

Requests / Re: Escobedo back catalog
April 18, 2011, 12:00:49 PM
+1 on the MS20 filter as well.

A set of a selection of these projects to buy would be wicked!
Requests / Re: Sub-mini tube amps
December 23, 2010, 04:47:15 PM
+1 on very interested   ;D!
Build Reports / Re: Rump Roast
December 23, 2010, 12:40:15 PM
Yeah compared to an american kit it works out really cheap if you are in the UK. I think I would go with a weber kit if I was in the US though; just for the convenience of having a cab made to spec as well etc.

The ampmaker kit arrived 2 days after ordering it which is saying something, considering how screwed the postal system is in the UK at the moment!

It should be a real nice little project over the christmas break.

I need a cab to put it in though and was thinking of gutting a Harley Benton GA5H and using that.

They are like 79 EUR which is £67.... cheaper than most pedals!

Sorry for going off topic  :)!
Build Reports / Re: Rump Roast
December 23, 2010, 09:57:59 AM
Looking Nice!

This is going to be my next build.

I ordered my first kit amp ( and I am hoping this will add a little bit of the 'flavour' of a carmen ghia to whatever its fed into!

I love the look and sound of Dr Z amps but can't really justify spending the money on one for myself.

This should be a nice compromise for now!
Build Reports / Re: Sunking
December 18, 2010, 09:24:28 PM
Very nice build mate!

Nice and clean and a bit different from normal I think!

I have ordered a sunking board as well... although the BOM is a major PITA  :D

I'm intrigued to see what all the fuss is about with this circuit.

How does it sound to you?
Nice build mate, and nice photos too!
Build Reports / Re: Double Flush tremolo
December 13, 2010, 10:47:54 AM
Nice build mate.

I've got a couple of these boards on order and I am looking forward to building one.

How would you compare it to the EA Tremolo? That is the only tremolo I have so I am hoping that the double flush can offer something different.

I'm liking the guitar tone of Budy Miller on the Band of Joy album at the moment so tremolo is right up my street.
Build Reports / Re: 1590B Serendipity Build
December 12, 2010, 04:13:02 PM
Re: the finish.

Its just plastikote metallic red enamel spray paint mate. No secrets ha ha :)

I used quite a few coats of the stuff and then lacquered the hell out of it!

Looks ok but up close you can see imperfections. You live you learn I guess eh!
Build Reports / Re: 1590B Serendipity Build
December 11, 2010, 10:30:46 PM
No mate its 6 core ribbon cable cut into strips of 3.

It worked really well for this build. Guess its good when you have a board that has all the pot connections logically laid out like the serendipity board!

I got it from work as they were going to throw a reel out (it used to be used in some of our control systems in the 90's).

I'll be using it on any other build I can as well as it makes seems to make things easier.

I live in the UK so I haven't bought much from Small Bear to be honest.
Build Reports / 1590B Serendipity Build
December 11, 2010, 02:37:50 PM
This is the Serendipity that I completed a while ago.

It sounds very.... Gentlemanly!

Very posh and refined  :)

I really like it  at low gain settings.

I found it a struggle fitting 4 knobs and everything else in a 1590B. Done it now though so my next 1590B build (Sabretooth) should go a lot easier.

Its metallic red but its quite hard to make out on the photos.

Hope you guys like!

Gut Shot!
Build Reports / Re: Meathead Builds
December 10, 2010, 11:08:00 AM
Yeah there is no LED or DC power socket... at the moment.

I left the LED out as I wanted it like the original, but I now think it could do with one. It could also do with a DC socket. And I am also going to change the input cap from a  10n to a 22n for a bit more low end.

A pedal builders job is never done I guess eh  ;D

I also recently finished my serendipity build which I will upload tonight. I'm really loving that pedal at the moment.

I am finding it easier (and more fun) to hand paint pedals at the moment rather than use decals. I guess I will start using decals eventually but it seems pretty time consuming and open for error: not good for me  :P
Build Reports / Meathead Builds
December 09, 2010, 10:51:17 PM

These are my two Snackshacks that I builted recently.

The purple one has stock values with 2n3904 Tr's and the silver one has 47nf input and output caps with 2n2222's.

The silver one especially, sounds very very meaty indeed!

I hope I have linked the photos ok  ???, its my first time trying so I hope it works!

Hope my builds aren't too messy either; some of the amazing builds on this forum begar belief!


.... and the obligatory gut shot!

General Questions / Re: Using BS170's in Serendipity
November 25, 2010, 09:43:40 AM
Thanks for the reply.

Are 2n7000's and Bs170's essentially the same then?

Or would I notice a difference in sound if I used 2n7000's?


General Questions / Using BS170's in Serendipity
November 24, 2010, 11:29:52 PM

I build a serendipity using a Madbean board. I dont have any 2n7000's so I used BS170's instead.

Is there any problem with doing this?

It sounds great at the mo' with the bs170's in so Im thinking there is no problem?

Ill post some pics in the build report section as well when I get some time.

Ciao for Now.
Requests / Re: more D*A*M?
October 21, 2010, 10:35:59 PM
First Post so firt of all.... hello!

I build a couple of D*A*M meatheads using madbeans boards and would also like to see a sonic titan board.

The clips I have heard of the sonic titan are pretty impressive so it would be a cool project