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Open Discussion / the pedal movie trailer
February 18, 2020, 08:35:20 PM
I got turned on by Fran's YouTube channel about this. is making a movie about pedals oO I gotta admit I am kinda hyped about this :) always love hearing about building pedals !

It might get new people in on the hobby so I am all for that :)
Hi guys ! I made a few of my own Animato boards and everything seems to work just fine, but when I try to max out the gain or volume pots if I get around pass 3 o clock the pedal will squeal very loud. :/

The rangemaster trimpot does not help ... I really got to turn it off if I what to go full gain. Because of this I am 99% sure that the problem is in the 2 piggy backed transistors. I don't own any nte102/103. I have been trying different Russian and Japanese germanium transistors but with no luck.

So I am wondering... Is it suppose to osciliate at full gain ? What hfe should I use ? Have any of you ever built one of these ? What was you experience with your builds ?

Thanks !
Got my tracking number today ^^ maybe Brian's gonna send me a 8k big screen TV :))))))
Pm sent !
I am up for Canada !
Build Reports / Re: 1590A BBD Delay
September 30, 2019, 06:16:36 PM
Soooo... next you gonna do a DDM in a 1590a xD. That is really insane. It would be nice if xvive decided to do bbms in smd formats ^^
Open Discussion / Re: What's this? What's this?
September 04, 2019, 09:47:31 AM
Tap tap.... wake up
Introductions / Re: Hi from NWCT
August 26, 2019, 07:18:14 PM
Hi will !
Let me first off say that we all got a box of dead boards that we've been telling ourselves ..., someday ....but in 4-5 years we will just throw away. No sweat ^^

Second if you wanna do boards and no kit you should start by doing projects that you can source all of the parts from tayda electronics. Having to just order from one place was key in starting and finishing projects for me . I got about 12 vfe boards that don't get build because of all the different places I need to get the parts :x . Tayda is cheap and they have  a 15% coupon code 2 times a month... Basically it covers the shipping charges. I know that many find their components bad but I never had a problem in my experience.

Third start with just a few boards 2-3. I would recommend madbeans baby boards or maybe even the 1590g series. The moar is a awesome simple over drive, the hipster is real easy to build and you could event do a silicon range master. Also use 1590b or even 125b enclosed even if those are tiny boards, you got more room to build in and if you screw up part of the drilling it migth be more forgiving.

So yeah I don't know what boards you already got but I would start with the simplest one and work on up !
Nice build :) i am gonna have to give m-kresol's board a try ... :/ i tried building the deluxe version of it and a supersonic fuzz gun both of them are super gated and wont even let sound pass unless my guitar volume is at max :/
Same for me about a month or 2 ago for 1590xx enclosures. When i got the notification i tried to order 10 of them and it said out o stock. I think when they sent me the notice they had like just 4 in stock :/ but a couple of weeks after they did restock so i would not sweat it too much. Maybe they had a return of a couple of items and its why you got the email but few were avaible.
I think brian is recording a new album with is band.
I love the look of a newly populated pcb, i still remember the first time i build one!! I said to my girlfriend "look it looks like a small city!!". The smell and look of a just lackered enclosure when you finally start to see what the finished product will look like and how all the colors pop out is hard to beat !
4 million $ ! What a bargain xD... and they say income inequality aint a thing :p
Build Reports / Re: FV-1 Build Arduino Eagle
June 15, 2019, 11:14:29 PM

I think i just jizzed my pants.... gimme 2 sec i'll go check !
Oh Hell yeah ehx graphic fuzz i second that !!! Or even a deluxe big would be neat :) i am a sucker for a ehx pedal any day !