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Messages - GermanCdn

I don't think there would have been final season that would/could have satisfied everyone.

That being said, my thoughts

- Season felt way too compressed, and considering some episodes were nearly an hour and a half long, why not make it an eight or ten episode season @ 60 minutes(ish) per episode to make it flow a bit better.
- Season lacked continuity and flow.  First two episode were recap(ish), then battle, then recovery, then a (not so much) battle, followed by trying to wrap everything up in the last episode.
- I actually think the episodes, as stand alone items, were actually pretty good in their own right.  I liked that they turned Daenyrys, I thought Cleganebowl was very satisfying, there were some good closure moments to micro storylines, etc.
- You don't get to pet the dog after you send him away.  You just don't.

All in all, it wasn't Breaking Bad final season good, nor was it Dexter final season bad.
Open Discussion / Re: "Not happy Jan...."
October 08, 2018, 12:58:50 PM
It's amazing how much better an appreciation or understanding you can get when you listen to someone else play through your rig/guitar/pedals.  When Jacob was over a few years ago, it was the first time I got the chance to sit back and actually "listen" to what my setup sounded like as opposed to playing my setup.  He ran through probably 50 guitars, and the two that came out the winners for both of us were definitely not the ones I would have picked up front, because they were nowhere near the nicest/most expensive/best equipped, and truth be told, one of them was a real oddball.
Open Discussion / Re: NGD....
October 04, 2018, 07:20:13 AM
That is gorgeous.  I've weened down my Singlecut collection to 4 (2 X 250, 1X245, and an SC Trem), but they are fantastic guitars.
Open Discussion / Re: Blackened is the end
August 06, 2018, 01:39:12 PM

No, wait, that's going to go real bad, real fast.
Open Discussion / Re: NGD + Opinions Wanted
August 06, 2018, 01:36:51 PM
Quote from: jimilee on August 06, 2018, 01:18:49 PM
Quote from: GermanCdn on August 06, 2018, 01:10:14 PM
All right, I'll throw out a love it or hate it option.

Two P-Rails, V/T setup, two DPDT switches for the pickups (or 1 if real estate is an issue), and an on board Bloviator (trimmer pots inside to tune, switch in the second tone position to bypass).

P-Rails are the Swiss Army knives of pickups - they don't do anything particularly great, but they do a decent job of all three.  I have found they sound better in Fender-ish guitars and longer scales.
Throw a couple of push pull pots instead or switches.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah, the push pots for the P-Rails limits your switching options to Humbucker OR Single Coil OR P-90 (i.e both pickups are setup in the same configuration, so if you want to run a HB in the bridge and a SC in the neck, you have to mission control the switches) if I am not mistaken (it's been a few years since I installed one).  Two switches gives you the AND ability in that configuration.
Open Discussion / Re: NGD + Opinions Wanted
August 06, 2018, 01:10:14 PM
All right, I'll throw out a love it or hate it option.

Two P-Rails, V/T setup, two DPDT switches for the pickups (or 1 if real estate is an issue), and an on board Bloviator (trimmer pots inside to tune, switch in the second tone position to bypass).

P-Rails are the Swiss Army knives of pickups - they don't do anything particularly great, but they do a decent job of all three.  I have found they sound better in Fender-ish guitars and longer scales.
Open Discussion / Re: in decline
June 21, 2018, 11:35:55 AM
(from the guy who hasn't made a single pedal building comment in a couple of years)

I would also vote that it's a shift.  When I started in this, err, 7 (?) years ago, it was build everything.  Hell, I didn't even know if I liked BMPs (turns out not really a huge fan), but I'm pretty certain I built every single perfboard and fabboard variant thereof (didn't box them all, but that's strictly an economics decision).  If I had to guess, I'd say I've boxed somewhere between 100 - 150 pedals, of which when I was playing I probably used 20 in rotation.

I've been on a break for a couple of years now, moreso because of things outside of the music related world.  I still intend to get back into it, I still have at least 70 boards to complete.  It will probably get done in time, but there's no rush, it's a hobby.
Glad to hear you're OK, I struggle with BP as well (less of a problem when my weight is down, more of a problem when my weight is up, which is usually when I'm under a lot of stress, so it just compounds). I don't have the headache issues, but I do have unfavourable reactions to the meds and I've tried a number of them, so it's keep losing weight or dealing with the side effects.

As far as the health care cost thing goes, yeah, that sucks.  While I'm not the biggest fan of the Canadian system, it certainly enables everyone to have access to care (the expediency of that care is sometimes the issue).
Quote from: pickdropper on May 25, 2017, 06:34:26 PM
Quote from: GermanCdn on May 25, 2017, 04:54:16 PM
Quote from: PhiloB on May 25, 2017, 03:11:12 PM
Thanks GermanCdn.  So you think a 10-11k will balance output wise with a 6k middle and neck?
Also, is trembucker spacing worth insisting on?  I had a HH strat that I used Gibson spaced buckers in and sounded great...but I never compared them directly to a properly spaced humbucker

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10k will give you a bump in volume, but not ridiculous.  6k is in the medium hot strat range, so you should be pretty good.  But if you can stand a little more bump, the Custom Custom is the way to go.  When Jacob was over at my place a few weeks back, I think he ran through about 40 guitars with JBs, Classic 57s, 57/08s, 59s, Tone Zones, Custom, Custom 5, Custom Custom, HFS, Klein 58s, Burstbuckers, Dragon II, 500T, McCarty, DGT, etc, and I think our consensus was that the Custom Custom was hands down the best bridge humbucker of the bunch.

Is trembucker spacing worth insisting on?  Meh, probably not.  I just personally don't like the look of the pole pieces not lining up with the outside strings on a trem loaded guitar.

Some of it is guitar dependent, too.  I love the Custom Custom in my 25.5 scale guitars, but I quite like the Custom 5 in my 24.75" Baker.

Agreed.  The Custom Custom is actually installed in one of my SC250.
Quote from: PhiloB on May 25, 2017, 03:11:12 PM
Thanks GermanCdn.  So you think a 10-11k will balance output wise with a 6k middle and neck?
Also, is trembucker spacing worth insisting on?  I had a HH strat that I used Gibson spaced buckers in and sounded great...but I never compared them directly to a properly spaced humbucker

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

10k will give you a bump in volume, but not ridiculous.  6k is in the medium hot strat range, so you should be pretty good.  But if you can stand a little more bump, the Custom Custom is the way to go.  When Jacob was over at my place a few weeks back, I think he ran through about 40 guitars with JBs, Classic 57s, 57/08s, 59s, Tone Zones, Custom, Custom 5, Custom Custom, HFS, Klein 58s, Burstbuckers, Dragon II, 500T, McCarty, DGT, etc, and I think our consensus was that the Custom Custom was hands down the best bridge humbucker of the bunch.

Is trembucker spacing worth insisting on?  Meh, probably not.  I just personally don't like the look of the pole pieces not lining up with the outside strings on a trem loaded guitar.
While it doesn't necessarily meet your pricing requirements (it might if you find the right deal or used), a Seymour Duncan SH or TB-16 (depending on if you want proper trem pole spacing) is a really good Strat humbucker.  It's slightly hotter than a '59 (it's a hybrid of the '59 and the Custom), got four wire hookup, think they're around 10k.  Got one paired with a '59 in my Singlecut Trem and it sounds really good (not as good as the Custom Custom, but that's a lot hotter).

In the less money land, going with a GFS '58 or VEH would meet all of your requirements, though I think the VEH is 12k so it might be a little hot.
Open Discussion / Re: All of my guitars
May 23, 2017, 09:33:41 PM
I approve of this message.
Quote from: crashguitar on May 19, 2017, 06:15:44 PM
I just see a list of future bands and/or pedal names.
Full disclosure, I am not above using them myself. ;)

"Hi, I'm Turdly, rhythm guitarist for Clardic Fug....."

Yeah, that works.

Turdly is a close second though.....

"What makes this pedal so special?"

"It's just got that STANK!"
Open Discussion / Re: Chris Cornell RIP
May 18, 2017, 02:20:02 PM
Quote from: culturejam on May 18, 2017, 02:17:39 PM
All I know is we need to put Eddie Vedder in a protective bubble immediately.

I literally just said this to a coworker, only I included Betty White in the bubble as well.