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Topics - gordo

Tech Help - Projects Page / Bacon Bits gain
November 24, 2012, 01:17:03 AM
I'm too lazy/stupid to do the math to calc gain on the Bacon Bits, but what kind of boost should I expect on this thing?  Seems to be working just fine...full counter clockwise appears to be about unity but cranked is probably about (I'm guessing here) about a 10 or 12dB boost?  I was thinking this thing would be just roaring, given the amount of headroom on 18v.
Build Reports / Collosalus Build
September 13, 2012, 03:59:54 AM
Here's a few pix of my completed Collosalus.  Great flanger and I figured: "if it has to be may as well have landing lights..."

Lighted pots and clear knobs, water-slide decal over white powdercoat, all from SmallBear.

Open Discussion / Afterlife Kudos
August 03, 2012, 02:47:53 AM
Don't know if a lot of you've tried the Afterlife but it's been on my board for a few days now and it's pretty cool.  Most compressors I've used sound great in my room but in a live situation get thin and pump too much.  The AL is in the category of "ummm, is this thing on?" effects but in a live rig adds a nice bit of sustain and fatness.  Plus a good bit of boost if needed.  It's kinda similar to the compressor circuit in my old Lab Series amp (although the Lab compresses at the power amp).

I'm really liking the Baby Boards.  This one sits in front of my Smoothie.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Collosallus chips
June 04, 2012, 06:18:09 PM
Sounds like a new Frito-Lay product.  Anyway I've built up the Collosallus and I can hear a distinct short delay but no modulation.  My voltages on IC4 and beyond are pretty messed up and all controls don't really appear to do anything.  Board and parts are triple checked so I suspect a chip or trans. Could the 4013 be creating the havoc? I'm getting delay so suspect the MN4007 is good (although voltages are off).  I've swapped out multiple 4049s.  I'm banking on the fact that I haven't torched the 4007...

I can post numbers if needed but before I order more 4013s (only have one on hand) I thought I'd see if anyone else ran into this.