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Topics - micromegas

Spain is a mixture of different cultures. Here you can find different landscaps and characters living next to each other and it is not such a big country. We have 4 different oficial languages and a ton of dialects.

I live next to Basque Country, they speak spanish and euskera there and have awesome competitions/sports.
Here you can appreciate a small sample:

Sorry for the tourism advertising words :). I just saw this and seemed awesome to me: a car! with an axe! cmmon....

I thougt it could be cool if we shared some similar absurd/awesome competitions here.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Germanium diodes
March 17, 2015, 11:32:18 PM
Ok, maybe this isn't really a "tech" question.

The thing is that I need a bunch of germanium diodes (some for my 2 apis boards, some for Rej's clone, some for a Kingslayer, some for a Kraken, etc....) and was thinking about going the D9E route as 1n34As are damn expensive right now.

I've seen an ebay seller I have had great trades with has a bunch of them at a good price.

Any recommendation on this topic?

I've seen paul has the D9B whose voltage drop is lower. The only Kingslayer I've built had two OA126 and sounds nice, but I'm not gonna pay what they cost now...
Open Discussion / Is there a limit for comedy?
March 13, 2015, 12:14:22 AM
I don't think so, but this article is really interesting (keep in mind this is from 2011).

I know there are plenty Top Gear fans here, but the guy has a point, and his writing is flawless. I've always supported the idea that you cannot censor any kind of humor and that you can laugh at everything, and I still do.
This article is worth five minutes of your time.

I dig many kinds of humor, even the offensive one, the black one, or the bad one (I dig that last one a lot).
But there's always a context. Or not? I've been thinking about it lately and haven't reached any conclusion.
Maybe some of you have meditated about it and can show some strong opinions on this topic.
This might be useful. Maybe you may need a TI account to download it, but you could use it to order some samples too :)
Open Discussion / Is there a diy version of this?
February 28, 2015, 11:16:51 PM

I love those resonant fiters with LFO and the ability to use the VCO to get trem sounds too.
It uses this VCA:

It seems like an awesome piece of gear for the western/drone music I'm into right now (if you could call it that.... or maybe it is just minor chords and a lot of reverb and reverse delay ;D).

The Frostwave Resonator is an awesome resonant filter too, but more dramatic than this one and doesn't have and LFO.
Open Discussion / Remastered classics
February 28, 2015, 03:50:12 PM

If you didn't know that channel, you should expend at least half afternoon checking his videos. Hilarious
Open Discussion / Finish technique and a cool video
February 21, 2015, 09:32:54 PM
Here's a video of some expensive handmade japanese headphones. True craft, but too expensive for me  :D

Anyway, does anyone know how's called the technique used at 3:25 to finish the headphones? I would like to give it a try if it isn't too expensive...

It is similar to golden leaf, but they use shavings instead of foils.
Open Discussion / This is real beauty (no NSFW content)
February 19, 2015, 05:51:39 PM
Open Discussion / Does anyone have one of these?
February 18, 2015, 10:42:58 PM

I would love to see what's inside, but I haven't found a single photo of its guts on the internet.

If anyone has hone, it would be nice if you could take a photo of the insides (I wanna now if it's digital, PT2399 based or what)

EDIT: I found a picture!

FV-1 based :)

Open Discussion / Testing my Canon Eos 550D for recording
February 10, 2015, 09:23:30 PM
Sorry for all the mistakes and everything (that bending at 1:14... my timing...), I was just noodling... but the sound is actually pretty good I think.


The chain goes like this:
G&L Legacy -> DOD FX-17 (working but needs adjustment) -> DIY NOC3 Firefly -> Eventide Timeline (looper) -> 1776 Rub-A-Dub Reverb -> Mesa Boogie Mark III (Volumen on 4, Master on 1  ;D).

I wanted to record the loop idea just as a reminder and this came  up.
Open Discussion / New PT2399 version?
February 04, 2015, 06:47:00 PM
My local distributor just anounced this on their facebook page:

PT2399D-D: they say is exactly like the PT2399 but with the distortion problem sorted out.
I'll get some to try and make a comparation.
Open Discussion / The useless pedal list
January 29, 2015, 12:17:52 PM
I used to think there wasn't such a thing as a useless pedal, that you could use anything to create music... until I met this:

Is there any other pedal out there you think has no practical use?
I like the volume interaction.... super gated fuzz  :P.
Don't know if useful, but definitely a fun pedal it is. Would like to see its insides...

Dear gentlemen (and ladies if there's any around).

I just got a semi-broken DOD Fx-17. It seems to be totally fine except for the action of the on/off switch so repair shouldn't be a hassle.

The thing is that, while searching for an schematic on the web, I found some links to the now closed diyguitarist webpage on which Mr. Paul Marossy showed a process of troubleshooting this beast and some information about the pedal itself that everyone seems to love.
Now, the questions (not in orden of importance):

1. Who is Paul Marossy and why on earth I didn't knew anything about him? 
I've read some posts on diystompboxes from this year on which Paul says he was quitting this hobby and clossing his page. The guy has more than 15000 post there, so the leaving of anyone participating that much in the diy community is something to think about..
I've only been in this hobby for almost 3 years and this forum is where I am more active, but I think it is important to learn about veterans.

2. Does anyone have an schematic for the DOD Fx-17?

3. Does anyone have that info everyone refers to in diyguitarist web? I do not want to ask Paul, as I respect his decision.

Did you ever hear about this company?
Open Discussion / Jobs I would like to have
December 11, 2014, 11:24:04 PM
Someone shared this on facebook:

And for those that do not want to click on a lick, here's a video:

Creating sound for videogames and films is one of my dream jobs. And that's why I'm trying to get into an Audio Signal Processing Master for next year (that and guitar pedals, of course  ;D).

What would be yours?? (don't have to be music related)
Gray and rainy day here in the North of Spain.
I was playing some guitar and drinking coffee while trying to figure out the harmony on Chick Corea's "Windows" when the hipster inside me thought it would be cool to take some photos of my pick collection.

I've been a classical player since I was 7 years, and tone nuances/refinements are something we are taught since we grow our first fingernail. So, when I began to study electric guitar, although most of the time I use fingerstyle of hybrid picking, I got interested in all the different picks you could get out there.

Here's my arsenal (some others got lost or were given to friends):

The question is: are you picky about picks?
Open Discussion / Some interesting courses out there
October 09, 2014, 07:18:04 PM
I signed up today for to free coursera courses and I thought some of you may find them interesting:

One about DSP:

One about Jazz Improvisation:
Open Discussion / Sharing my happiness
September 04, 2014, 11:33:22 AM
Only 1 subject left to finish my EE grade!!
I have the exam tomorrow, but I got the rest of the marks and I passed them.
I can see the light at the end of the tunel. :)