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Anyone else have this happen with Tayda enclosure purchases?

Started by jessenator, November 16, 2022, 05:40:10 AM

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So, I know there's a contact section for them, but has anyone messed up an order and needed to fix it?

Specifically, I submitted a 1590BB, drill, UV print service and then bought all of the things in the store section. Turns out I neglected to order the UV GLOSS item WHICH DOESN'T APPEAR IN THE @#$%ING STORE BUT AS A NON-CLICKABLE LINK IN THE PRINT SERVICE ITEM DESCRIPTION.

Seriously, let me just break for a minute and just say how utterly BROKEN the UX with their eCommerce is. I do UX and UI design for a living, and I could solve the user flow (sadly not the coding work) in under and hour. It's just the worst. SERIOUSLY just put this @#$%ing thing in the main store! Don't hide it behind another product's item page! JUST PUT IT IN THE STORE. YOU'VE ALREADY PUT THE PRINT SERVICE AND DRILL ITEMS THERE, JUST FINISH THE DAMNED LIST OF $#!@ YOU NEED SLKDFGLSLIDUGYALISDUJGHZLDSKGHZSDLKGJP8OI43WUTLIOSJDGLK

Okay, anyway. Has anyone done this same thing and solved the un-purchased GLOSS issue? it's been three days already and not a single person has responded to the support ticket. Should I buy the item on its own? (there's a $5 min, so I'd have to put some superfluous $#!@ in there, too)?

Anyway, I KNOW this isn't Tayda's support center, but thought I'd ask if anyone had run into this problem and what customer support said to remedy the situation.


k, I want to do a bit of self crit.  This whole thing is partly my fault, but Tayda definitely needs to step up the eComm UX game.

My package has finally shipped, and some lessons learned here:

  • Read every damned word
  • Be aware of the back and forth you need to do (these orders require actions on both the taydakits domain and the taydaelectronics domain); again, bad, bad UX, but they're not paying me to audit and fix it…
  • Having grown up in the print world, their verbiage just collided with my print tribal knowledge, so maybe someone who isn't a designer won't have an issue
  • Understand that EACH element of the enclosure ordering process is a la carte:

    • [Hammond size number] Style Aluminum Diecast Enclosure [color/style] 
    • [Hammond size number] ENCLOSURE CUSTOM DRILL SERVICE
    • [Hammond size number] ENCLOSURE FACE UV PRINTING SERVICE
    • {no size} optional second layer of white [/i]
That gloss layer item was incredibly hard to find, not least because their site search is incredibly obtuse: you search for "gloss" and you get nothing; you search "additional" and you get a drill item in case you have more than 40 holes in your drill pattern? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'll probably think of something else. But even though they tell you "contact us" I didn't get a single reply to my customer service ticket, fwiw.

Better to just take your time and get it right on the first shot.

Also, I had a load of other components in this order besides the enclosure—I was trying to save money, but an order won't ship until it's ALL done.


Pedal building is like the opposite of sex.  All the fun stuff happens before you get in the box.


Okay, here's another weird thing that's happened with my newest order:

I'm working in Illustrator 100%. I sometimes toggle the layer visibility to check for stacking objects and if I've got it all sorted and whatever. This doesn't delete the layer or its data.

In fact, I can open up the PDF in my friggin browser and I can see the layers are there, even able to toggle them on or off (doesn't actually make changes on the file).

But apparently the Prepress dept can't/won't(?) toggle layer visibility, because I got an alert saying there's "no rdg_white" in my file. I went back to the original print-ready PDF, toggled the layer visibility, saved-as, then got it resubmitted. Everything seems to be good, since my whole order is now marked shipped and I have a tracking #

Just something else to tick to box on when ordering from them.


Quote from: jessenator on February 09, 2023, 06:59:58 AM
But apparently the Prepress dept can't/won't(?) toggle layer visibility, because I got an alert saying there's "no rdg_white" in my file. I went back to the original print-ready PDF, toggled the layer visibility, saved-as, then got it resubmitted. Everything seems to be good, since my whole order is now marked shipped and I have a tracking #

Just something else to tick to box on when ordering from them.

I think it pretty much has to be absolutely ready to go with no effort other than inserting the enclosure and pressing "print" at their end.

My last order actually went without a hitch as far as print formatting goes, although I did end up with an extra blank gloss black 125b enclosure though.  No idea how I did that or what I was thinking.


Quote from: Willybomb on February 09, 2023, 08:18:56 AM
My last order actually went without a hitch as far as print formatting goes, although I did end up with an extra blank gloss black 125b enclosure though.  No idea how I did that or what I was thinking.

Did you get charged for it, or was it a freebie?


Quote from: jessenator on November 30, 2022, 09:37:46 PM
But even though they tell you "contact us" I didn't get a single reply to my customer service ticket, fwiw.

I gave up on getting responses to CS requests from Tayda years ago. Great place to go for build parts. Horrible customer communication service


I feel like even more of an idiot after watching Chris' videos again. I think I must've had the video in the background where he goes over the checklist of things you need to purchase, because it was right there!!. I had pen and paper out this time, triple and maybe quadruple checking each build for its parts.

Thankfully, other than that silly prepress item, it was smooth.

I feel more confident now with the whole process.


The process believe it or not is a lot better than when it first started. The original page was terrible for submitting UV prints. I will say this though, any issue I have had with UV prints prior to my last order was solely my fault. On a couple occasions I had selected the wrong file on the wrong color enclosures or needed to fix or change something something in a file and I emailed Hugo directly and he took care of it. I've ordered 101 UV prints now in the past 18 months and I had the first screw up on their part. 4 enclosures and they printed all of them on the wrong enclosures. I emailed him and sent a picture and he apologized and immediately issued a credit to reorder with the fastest shipping. If you can catch the issue before the printing starts they will work with you but I would try contacting Hugo directly first.
Who the hell is Bucky?


I'll admit, the salt content of my first post would make the Pacific jealous. Not too proud of that, but I'll leave it.

I think because UX is my 9-5, things like eComm and the relatively simple logic that's behind the scenes of that type of customer experience is what pissed me off the most. I'm more than satisfied with the product itself (and super jazzed about what's on the way)

Now that I'm remembering, there was an improvement I noticed over my experience in November: it keeps inventory of what you have and have not purchased during the job creation process! If I didn't have a particular item in the purchase order, there wouldn't be one to select in the job creation wizard. E.g. in my first purchase, the gloss wouldn't have come up as an option in the job creator.


I agree that the entire tayda experience leaves much to be desired and could use a major overhaul. I think I'm so used to navigating and using the site in spite of all of it's shortcomings.
Who the hell is Bucky?