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Topics - jimilee

Build Reports / Paramix is complete
January 15, 2013, 01:08:31 AM
The Paramix,she is complete. It's a fantastic mixer pedal built to Bass specs. the effects loop lets you mix dry signal with effects like delay or distortion and the inserts are a post mix loop pedals like chorus and maybe phaser. This is my 6th pedal and at bear at that from the soldering to the painting the enclosure and every step in between. The debugging was difficult becasue the wiring diagrams on the input and effects return were backwards, What a great pedal though.
Open Discussion / I think I have a problem
January 14, 2013, 10:19:27 PM
So i just told my little girl mommy will be home to build dinner soon, I think I may have a building problem, is there a 12 step program? ;D
Open Discussion / Oh well this is just incredible
January 13, 2013, 10:42:24 PM
Have you guys seen this over on DIYSB? This is just the coolest thing ever ever ever
Open Discussion / Cave dweller anomolie
January 11, 2013, 10:47:47 PM
So i noticed with my cave dweller if I make a bunch of noise with it on (which I often do cause it sounds cool) and then switch it off and say a few seconds go by and switch it back on, the noise is still going. I think that's cool too, but is it supposed to do that?
Open Discussion / Awesome, Cave dweller is awesome
January 09, 2013, 04:29:24 AM
Lemme just say that the cave dweller I built is awesome, and not a rehearsal goes by that I don't use it. I was thinking of building a second one its so killer. I have the parts I just need the pcb and some knobs!
Open Discussion / Thanks to my learned skills
January 07, 2013, 09:28:03 PM
Thanks to my fairly newly learned skills here, I had the confidence to fix my leaky faucets with minimal flooding. Thanks guys!
General Questions / Another one bites th dust
January 07, 2013, 04:05:39 AM
Dammit.paramix pcb is dead.those things are damn near impossible to desolder.trashed the board,luckily I have another one.give it a week and start over. ;D
Open Discussion / If you've never built a paramix
January 06, 2013, 02:34:32 AM
I suggest you do. Loads of fun! 6 jacks three knobs 2 leds and a switch all in one little (1590bb) box. Here is how it looks so far.
Open Discussion / Resistor deal or bogus?
January 02, 2013, 03:46:10 AM
I found this on Ebay, (just upfront I don't know these people and am not affiliated with them)

is this a good deal or crap? it looks like it may be the latter because it seems to be mostly R value resistors and less k and M value. Mods you may delete this if it violates anything. Thanks
Jimi Lee
Build Reports / Smoothie
January 01, 2013, 08:23:45 PM
Here is my smoothie,there are many like it,but this one is mine.
Open Discussion / Build it / box it and then rock it
January 01, 2013, 06:06:42 PM
  So as I've just completed pedal number 5 (pics coming soon) I find my self building pedals into enclosures rather than building them and then boxing them. I do it as kind of a way to measure wire (keeps it shorted and neater) and sometimes for drilling purposes for switches and knobs. Once I build and debug,then I disassemble and paint. This seems like maybe a little more time consuming way to do it,but my layouts are never the same. How do you do it?
So i just finished a smoothie, but to me it sounds more vibrato than phaser. I didn't use a reverse audio pot, just a normal audio pot., I'm still waiting on one to get here in Monday hopefully. With this make a difference at all or is there a way to get a more phasery sound out of it?
Build Reports / Britsih Blues Overdrive
December 23, 2012, 06:44:19 PM
This is a BYOC pedal,the British Blues Overdrive. I'm really digging it. You can't tell it,but the LED is actually under the waterslide,my attempt at a hidden LED. The inside is a lot cleaner, feel pretty good about this one.

Build Reports / The Joker pedal
December 23, 2012, 01:24:23 AM
So after I built the Batcompressor,it was suggested that I build a Joker pedal. at the time i was building a Cave Dweller from Madebean,so here you have it,The Jokerpedal.I started put aking the inside real neat,but after cutting 2 wires too short,it just went to hell.So I covered the bottom of the PCB with hot glue to insulate it.

Tech Help - Projects Page / Smoothie build question.
December 22, 2012, 06:01:10 PM
Building a smoothie and it calls for a c500k pot and, well what is it. I probably just don't understand what I'm looking for. Help.!
Ths came about earlier,and now I'm just curious,as are you I'm you gig with the pedals you build? I have been using mine during rehearsals and the intent is to gig them after the first of the year.what say you?
Open Discussion / Tiny pcb is tiny
December 10, 2012, 04:43:16 AM
So I just finished populating a cave dweller pcb and I just want to say that was the smallest board I have populated so went quickly,but wow is that thing small.
General Questions / Volume Pedal
November 27, 2012, 03:40:33 AM
Is there a reason nobody builds volume pedals? I'd like to have one I'm pretty sure and building pedals is way cooler than buying them for sure.
  So I want to build a cave dweller and I have a question with regards to caps. The only cap that is specific to type is the tant cap,everything else just gives values,and doesn't specify box or otherwise. Does it matter as long as the values are correct?  ;D