Oh snap! I haven't been on the forums much lately and almost missed this. Thanks for the shout out but more importantly, excellent work!
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That is some splendid work, Clinton. Neat and clean layout and slick wiring. Nicely done!
It is super awesome that Bean shares the component libraries. Makes this kind of stuff a lot more friendly to work with.
Quote from: jimilee on December 03, 2023, 02:40:09 AM
Oh man, I love it, and it's so compact.
Quote from: blearyeyes on December 03, 2023, 08:17:02 AM
Clean build. You took the leap and it worked!
Quote from: Bret608 on December 04, 2023, 01:41:27 PM
Yeah, I love this! Congrats! I still haven't taken the plunge on layouts other than vero.
I did manage to grab a used wah on Reverb and have started modding it to learn what's what until the Weener Wah is back in stock. It's a 1990 revision E without the input buffer. It's already got the 390r Q1 emitter resistor and the 33k in parallel with the inductor. I upped that to 47k to see if it would bring out a bit more vocal quality. It does sound good! I'd be curious what values you like where.
Quote from: Bio77 on December 04, 2023, 03:23:32 PM
That's super awesome! Congrats.
I've been itching to do a layout again. I might recommend trying KiCad or another free software on your next one. EAGLE is EOL and it will be a more of a bummer to switch the more skill you get with EAGLE.
Quote from: Bret608 on October 19, 2023, 12:26:26 PM
Oh man, I was just about to grab a Weener Wah having gotten ahold of an old Crybaby finally! When do you anticipate those being back in the shop?
Quote from: jwin615 on July 21, 2023, 12:53:13 AMQuote from: blackhatboojum on July 20, 2023, 09:53:29 PMDo you like the weener?
I second the used crybaby idea. The enclosure is of much better quality than what amplified parts/antique electronics offers. I built a weener wah with one of those enclosures and I'm not that impressed with it. It feels cheap.
Quote from: Bio77 on June 21, 2023, 04:34:06 PMQuote from: blackhatboojum on June 21, 2023, 03:46:35 PMThanks man
Awesome! I'm glad you got this one sussed out and are enjoying it. The BF-2 has been my go to modulation since the late 90's and like you, I went through every flanger possible when I started building. Nothing could quite dethrone the mighty BF-2 until I built my HF-2. While the HF-2 isn't quite king, it's definitely sharing the flanger crown on my pedalboard.Are you using the BF-2 on guitar or bass? I really dig it on bass, it swirls mostly on the high end and lets me add more effect without loosing the groove of the song. I feel like on guitar I'd go BF-2.
Quote from: Bio77 on June 18, 2023, 12:55:10 AM
A mixed update: I identified the problem but am still confused
I hooked up a guitar and amp to the PCB to make sure that it was in the problem state while I took voltages. In problem state I got a lot of weird varied voltages on IC3 (pins 2,3,6 and a little variance on 7 and 8 ) and IC4 (pins 2,4,5,6, &7). While taking the voltages I noticed that I could switch it from the problem state to functioning by probing pins 2 and 3 of IC2, respectively. Very repeatable behavior, if I probe pin 2 of IC2, I have a working pedal; If I probe pin 3, non-working. The switching between states is like a switch, meaning that after I probe the respective pin it is in that state after I remove the probe.
Anyway, I had a JRC2068 in IC1 and IC2. I switched IC2 back to a 4558 and now the pedal is working. Here are my questions:
1. WTF? Please theorize on this weird bi-modal behavior
2. Was the 2068 bad or did having one there in the first place cause this? Only difference I can see in the data sheet is that 2068 can run at higher voltages and has better S2N that 4558 (which is why I usually use them in chorus and flangers).
3. Should I keep the 2068 in IC1 or also switch it to a 4558?