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Messages - gordo

Open Discussion / Re: cheap guitar speakers.
December 30, 2012, 03:04:29 AM
Just let us know. I'm glad to support such a cool cause.

Happy New Year everyone!
Open Discussion / Re: cheap guitar speakers.
December 28, 2012, 05:26:19 AM
I'm good for an 8" speaker and I'll see if I can't round up any others.  I'll eat the shipping too, since it's a good cause.  PM me with shipping info if you want it.
To me the white powdercoated mystery pedals are more mojo than anything you could buy.
I'm spoiled rotten playing the church gig that I do. In-ear monitors, speaker cabs in iso boxes (100watt Marshall cranked? problem), drums in a plexi cage, and a bunch of killer players and singers.  We do contemporary stuff but it's also not unusual to whip out a Greenday, Snow Patrol, or even an Edgar Winter tune from time to time.  Light guy, video guy, graphics, and sound guy. It's like the best bar gig you'll ever play without drunks spilling beer on your pedal board.
Open Discussion / Re: Merry Xmas to You All!
December 25, 2012, 02:32:50 AM
Merry Christmas everyone.  I played a couple of services tonight centered around the tune "Paradise" by Coldplay. My old beater strat thru a bunch of madbeans and into a cranked but clean Vox Night Train. Total bliss!!!
+1 for the church gig so mine get played every week for rehearsal and two services.  Cosmopolitan, Current Lover, Afterlife (very fitting name, I figure), Smoothie, Karate Shop, Lavache. Commercial ones are Line6 MM4 (will likely get replaced with a tremolo), NovaDelay, and Korg tuner.
Open Discussion / Re: OCT
December 19, 2012, 03:12:24 AM
Major bragging rights...
I lean in to the "I don't need it" crowd, mostly because I always figure I'll come up with a way of using it. That rarely pans out on the oddballs (Honey Dripper), but then again I'll toss the LowRider on my board from time to time. I love building stuff and projects tend to find me...rather than me finding them.

Good example is that on my live rig I use a Line6 modulation modeler cuz it's easy and sounds good. I have an old Boss BF-2 at home and have always wanted an old MXR Flanger. So I built the Collosalus AND the Current Lover, both of which I needed like a hole in the...wallet. As it turns out the Collosalus sounds great but I've been using the Current Lover on my board full time now. Hadn't seen that one coming and don't recall even liking the original EH.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Egghead build help
December 15, 2012, 03:20:23 PM
On mine it was the wiring to the Level (Vol) pot. I use 3 different colors to make it easier to be accurate, and it still didn't help... ::)

99% of the time it's miswiring or bridged/bad solder joints. Bridged joints are a LOT easier to mistakenly do on tighter layouts and baby boards. If you can print a mirror image of the pcb it makes it pretty easy to do a side by side comparison of which pads are connected and which shouldn't be.
Open Discussion / Re: Show us your guitar!
December 15, 2012, 03:29:03 AM
!!!!!!  You MADE that strap??? How cool is THAT!!! Sorry, excessive use of caps, but I'm blown away!
Oh great, now 4 yr olds can do nicer enclosures than I can. Is he up for any custom work?  ;D
Open Discussion / Re: Show us your guitar!
December 13, 2012, 04:34:57 AM
Quote from: jeffaroo on December 08, 2012, 07:11:42 AM
Probably why Hendrix lit crap on fire and acted like a weirdo. Taking out his aggression on a guitar strung backwards !

HA!!! Never really thought of it that way. A reversed Strat definitely feels different because the string tension is backwards and looking down at it is like an optical illusion.
Open Discussion / Re: Confessions of a filter whore...
December 13, 2012, 04:27:51 AM
Other than the Systech (gets used regularly), I love filters but can't figure out a way to actually use them in a live setting. I'm not coordinated enough to effectively use a wah. I'd probably bite my tongue or just fall over. The HoneyDripper, SWAW, MXR, Quacky, and Filter Sample/Hold are all very cool but get no love from my pedal board.

Oh, and of course I'll still keep building more...
Open Discussion / Re: Show us your guitar!
December 08, 2012, 03:45:10 AM
Oh, and P-90's? Kind of a love it or shove it affair. Nasty noise floor. Killer midrange and just a stoopid range from balls out to edged clean. Sort of like a good Scotch, an acquired taste, but once you get it you're hooked.  My ideal guitar is an old Les Paul with P-90s and a stop tailpiece.  I have a really nice LP Special from 1977, but without the arched maple top it's not quite the same.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Collosalus issue
December 08, 2012, 03:36:28 AM
I have good news and bad news. Good news is that my 117 build works. Bad news is that I finally gave up on trouble shooting and ordered another board. Lazy, I know, but I finally threw in the towel. Your's looks very clean and I think I snuffed mine by lifting traces while trouble shooting. Hang in there, it's worth it.