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Topics - harryklippton

Tech Help - Projects Page / Ping C6 value
February 27, 2021, 05:06:14 PM
Whoops, I don't have a 39n cap. Would a 33nf or 47nf be ok? One over the other?
Build Reports / Stargate Fuzz (BAT Pharaoh)
January 25, 2021, 07:29:58 PM
BAT Pharaoh clone on a rullywow board that I finished last week. I decided to use a bunch of Stargate fonts and wanted to create a gold lettering effect but my implementation fell a little short of my vision on this one. The toner on the black mask wasn't dark enough to cover the gold leaf I used as an underlay. In low light (first pic), I think it looks cool. I also went a little off the map with the control layout and had some clearance issues in the end, but everything works.

Build Reports / Hipster 2016
December 19, 2020, 02:00:34 AM
Ok one more today- Hipster 2016. I goofed and labeled the pots backwards. I tried flipping the daughter board but it wouldn't clear the screw hole posts, so I'll live with it. I had a mild infatuation with the fuzz face for a while and bought this board but it took me a while to get around to putting this one together.

The most noteworthy part of this build is that it's the tenth pedal I completed this year. I made a goal at the end of last year that I wanted to finish 10 pedals in 2020, simply because it was more than I had ever done in one year. Of course i had no idea what was in store for 2020. For a while there, I didn't think it was going to happen. This year has been extremely difficult, as I'm sure it's been for a lot of you as well, but at least I'm feeling accomplished on this one goal.
Build Reports / Tracking Number Delay (cave dweller)
December 18, 2020, 08:58:20 PM
This cave dweller is my first completed madbean build in a 1590a. I expected a tight fit but I was a little worried in the final minutes of boxing this up. I could have made some of my leads shorter but now I'll know for the next one.

The graphic theme is meant to be in good fun.
Build Reports / Old pedals, new labels
December 18, 2020, 06:53:02 PM
I built these last year, but they never had labels. All three are BYOC kits that I had bought a few years prior. I'm not a fan of the label stock I used. It's thick and hard to get real smooth. I used envirotex on the red llama, and the pledge floor polish mentioned on this board on the other two.

I assembled two snack shacks back in June, one on an etched board for a friend that worked perfectly, and this one with issues on the giveaway board. I left it for several months and picked it up again recently. I'm using a 3904 in Q1 and a BC182L in Q2. I've checked the pinout in the bc182. Admittedly, the soldering isn't my best work, and I reflowed everything the other day. The pedal works correctly, but it's very buzzy. It gets worse when the circuit is engaged, and there's a loud whine that sweeps in frequency when turning the dirt pot. I really tried to get this straightened out before asking for help  :-[ any advice would be greatly appreciated

9.32v going in
E: 0v
B .635v
C 1.55v

E 0v
C 4.048v
B 1.552v
Hey y'all, I want to try envirotex for the first time but I'm a little scared off by some of the cautions in the instructions. Particularly I'm concerned about setup and curing temps. Seems like if it's too cold, the epoxy becomes cloudy as it cures. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

To clarify: should I be worried about it being too cold for the epoxy to set clearly? My house fluctuates between about 50°F and 85°F because we heat with wood. And I'll be pouring in the garage.
Build Reports / MEAT (snack shack)
June 05, 2020, 10:58:25 PM
Snack shack on an etched board for a friend. He requested the glowing pink enclosure, battery only, and I had the skirted knob, which he loved. Pink LED. this friend is a connoisseur of BEEF. Sounds cool.
Build Reports / OcJAvia (Retrograde)
June 03, 2020, 09:02:12 PM
This is my first completed madbean project. I had a little trouble getting the jacks to fit around the stomp switch but not too bad.

I made this as a gift for my guitar teacher. His initials are JA, so that's why it's an "ocJAvia," and that's his face on the pedal. I havent seen him in person in 80 something days, but was able to drop this off to him today. He was thrilled!
I decided to try some breadboarding this week just going off a schematic to a working circuit on the breadboard. Are there any generally accepted rules on layout, an approach you take to this task, or any tips you can share?

My first attempt was doing a fuzz face. I know small bear has a good tutorial, which I had done in the past but I wanted to get past just following someone's step by step instructions. After some troubleshooting and a missing connection, I got it working well. Then I tried an LPB1 and something is a little off.
Hey y'all, I'm working on a retrograde build and have some more general diode questions. I have a bag of 1N34as from Tayda, and a much smaller quantity of "1N34a work-alikes" from small bear. (I think) I understand that the white stripe on a silicon diode indicates the anode, but when it comes to germaniums, they seem to be marked in many different ways. Here are my questions:

Are the 1N34as from Tayda really 1n34A?

What are the work-alikes from Small Bear actually?

Do the stripes on the germaniums also indicate the anode?

How can I test diodes? What information can I determine by testing myself?

Pics attached of the aforementioned diodes. Thanks!
Build Reports / Vol Forge (sabbra cadabra)
March 05, 2020, 03:01:57 AM
I'm really enjoying how this pedal sounds. I managed to get a stash of MPF4393s for these builds, but it looks like they have since dried up. I recently got some surface mount mmbf4393s and will build one more just to compare for fun.

Graphics are laser printed on adhesive vinyl and then clear coated. It was my first time trying any graphics. I also tried one with "sticker paper" which has a more matte surface and didn't really like being clear coated.
Introductions / Hi from NWCT
August 26, 2019, 05:45:35 PM
hi y'all, my name is Will. I've been lurking here for a couple of months. I'm very dangerous with a soldering iron and good at assembling projects that don't work. I'm constantly trying to learn stuff and have enjoyed reading posts here.

Last year I got back into pedal building after not doing any electronics projects for a few years. I botched an amp build a few years back thinking i was hot shit and then got discouraged. I've purchased a buttload of madbean boards but haven't assembled any yet. Once I stray from a kit, things tend to not work so well. Anyway, nice to "meet" you all!
Hi, I tried building a test box and it doesn't work. I'm using a Rullywow 3PDT board for my switch. I thought I had everything hooked up correctly, but I guess not. Here's what I know so far:

1. The LED never lights up in either switch position.
2. I don't know what value to use for the CLR resistor. I think I used a 100ohm resistor.
3. I get 9v across the barrel jack lugs, on the pcb connection at the other end of the wires connected to the barrel jack, and at the end of the alligator clips going to the circuit I wish to test.
4. In one switch position, I get signal to my amp. In the other position, no signal.

I hope I made a silly goof here. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!