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Messages - crashguitar

Great words at the end of the video, too.

Sending all the best wishes to you F(x) gentlemen!

Open Discussion / Re: Self serving post
January 12, 2015, 10:21:59 PM
Thanks for listening.

Appreciate the kind comments as well.

Open Discussion / Re: Self serving post
January 10, 2015, 02:05:57 AM
Thank you for the kind words. I think it is pretty clear that I like obtuse.  ;D

The rhythms just took a little practice. I think they sound harder than they are when all the other parts are added.

Thanks for giving it a listen.

Open Discussion / Self serving post
January 04, 2015, 04:08:41 PM
My band Able Archer has posted a new song on bandcamp. Feel free to download and name your own price.

End of advertisement.

I realize that it was not the full study. I thought it read something more in depth, but I haven't found it again.  :(
Just to keep this going.  ;)

I thought I had read something about an attempt at a scientific study into this debate. After a liitle googling I found this:$10,000-guitar-sound-better-than-$300 It is not the actual study, but a very brief overview. If I understand this correctly, his claim is that the wood does make a difference when not amplified, but when amplified it ceases to make any difference.

Don't really have a dog in this fight. The tone my fingers sucks, so it doesn't matter what guitar I play.  ;D

I love Bill!!!! So much so, that I looked up Dale Bruning who was a teacher of Bill's while he was in Colorado. i took a few lessons from Dale and was probably his worst student ever. But it was really fun to talk to someone who knew Bill.

I use Inkscape. Free and vector based which is a little different than Photoshop/Gimp pixel based platform.

We cut the cable about 3 years ago. I use a Sony Blu-Ray player that we bought at Costco at that time. We use Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu+. As stated above, the only thing that is tough is sports. I love hockey and we have had to be creative to watch that. My wife's laptop has an hdmi port that we can plug into the TV and we stream NHL games from shady websites found on Google.
Other than the sports, we have loved streaming. My kids only know this, so they get confused at their grandparents house. They want to watch something again or choose the show to watch and don't understand that they have to watch it when it comes on. LOL.

So, I got to see them last night. It was incredible.
I did not get a good look at his pedals, but he was playing through a Fender combo amp. He has some technical issues for the fist couple songs, but he seemed to figure out what was going on. Later in the set I saw him take a pedal out of his signal chain.
My only complaint is that they had him booked for two shows, so the set was not as long as I would have liked. Not only was Nels great, but Trevor Dunn and Scott Amendola were amazing. I am not sure about Cyro Baptista, yet. I joked to my friend that he just packed everything he had in his garage. This may be my own dislike of hand percussion stuff. :)

Trevor Dunn was rocking a mustache.

Awesome. I have tickets to see him this Wednesday. I can't wait. I purchased the new cd last week when it was released and I am really digging some of the stuff on it. I am excited to see him and glad that you had a great time.

Was Yuka with them?

Open Discussion / Re: Strings
March 25, 2014, 03:54:25 AM
I really like Thomastik-Infeld Super Alloys, however lately I have been cheap and have been using Sfarzo Alloy 5109 strings.
I tried the new Ernie Ball Cobalt strings and D'Addario Balanced Tension. The Cobalts were OK. The Balanced Tension ones wouldn't stay in tune.

Open Discussion / Re: Shameless Self Promotion
March 19, 2014, 08:26:10 PM
Thanks for the kind words, gentlemen. Thank you for taking the time to listen.

To drums are a combination of his live set and triggered samples. The gating would be from one of the samples.

Open Discussion / Shameless Self Promotion
March 19, 2014, 03:03:04 AM
So my band, Able Archer, just released a song online. You can get it for free at

I used several Madbean pedals on the guitar tracks.

I bought a bike chain and split it myself. I don't own a chain tool, so I used a nut under the chain, and then used a hammer and a punch. It was not hard.
I was wondering about using this method and some sort of wing nut that could be hand tightened or loosened. That is as far as I have gotten on that thought, however.
