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Topics - aballen

General Questions / real or fake?
August 29, 2017, 08:17:10 PM
I'm building a blueshift chorus(roland dimensiion D clone) and I got some hard to find chips on ebay.  I bought them from polida, who has come through for me in the past.  lots of mn3008 and mn3005s from him.  only ever got one dud.

These look a little suspect to me, but I don't know these chips as well.  My first concern is the silkscreen it the same on every chip.  Pretty amazing for reclaimed chips.  I may have to find out the hard way, by testing, but if anyone has any feedback.  I'm interested to hear... NE570N, MN3102, and MN3207 chips are the ones that worry me.  pics attached

Edited, does this link work?
General Questions / Overdrive for Bass?
April 01, 2017, 12:54:14 PM
It all started when I made him an arcadiator.  My bud, who is a real musician, gigs every week, you know, now has the pedal bug.  The arcadiator is a bit over the top for him though, even with the blend mod... I think he may use it to play a Jamariquai song, but thats it.

Anyone know a good bass overdrive?  He does not want a fuzz, or a distortion, he wants OD.  I loaned him a timmy, but he said it was too mild... I heard the klone does not boost the bass well.  I'm kind of in the dark when it comes to bass pedals, cause I don't play bass.  Seems like most pedals need to be modded to work well with bass, but I'm kind if in the dark here and I want to make him something that earns a permanent spot on his board.


Open Discussion / I love my tortex but...
January 26, 2015, 12:34:38 AM
These are going to last me forever

Anybody using funky pics?  Have any interesting ones?   
Open Discussion / NPD
December 27, 2014, 04:35:14 PM
I seem to have a thing for delay pedals.  There are so many good ones out there too.  The dirtbag, aquaboy, the multiplex, the zero point, the hamlet+... they are all sooooo good.  I love them all!  I cant fit 5 delays on my pedalboard though, its just too much space.  What to do?  Buy another one.... right?

I actually sold off a few pedals to raise some holiday cash, I ended out doing pretty well.  Enough to get gifts for my wife and two kids.  I even scored some bonus points by reducing the inventory.

I had some leftover cash too.  The result... a strymon timeline.  Anyone else have one?  it seems amazing, and I think it could replace my other delays.  The dBucket does a great dirtbag imitation, and with a pork barrel in the effects loop it gets really damn close.  I'm hoping with some time I can assimilate the others too.

It also does some cool stuff the others just can't like reverse echoes, MIDI and I can control parameter I want with an expression pedal.

This thing is going to keep me busy.

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Ok guys.  I'm building something custom as a christmas gift for someone.  He has a pigtronix looper.  He loves this looper, and it has two additional inputs on the back.

  • One is an input for a dual tap pedal
  • The second is an input for an expression pedal
I know he wants the additional pedals, but he has not purchased them yet.  It was one hell of an expensive looper.  I thought I would make a single pedal to do it all.  Two momentary stomps and an expression pedal(actually a huge knob on the right side of the pedal)

I don't have the pedal to experiment with, so I really need to get it right on my own.  I was able to find info on the pedals.

First the dual tap.  It looks like two simple momentary switches, one shorts the tip to the sleeve, the other shorts the ring to the sleeve.  Pretty straightforward, found that info here:

The second is an expression pedal.  Pretty straightforward as well.  I found a circuit here:

But here is my problem, it may be more of an issue with Eagle, but I put together a schematic using the MB TRS jacks, and the MB pot.

If you look at the schematic at strymon, the 1K resistor goes to the wiper, the center pin... but that is labeled as pin1.  On the MB pot in Eagle that is labeled as pin2.

In the Strymon schematic, pin 2(which is on top) goes to the ring.  But on the MB pot, that is labeled pin1.

Anyway, I want to use a board mounted pot, so I need this part correct.

I have another question on the jacks also.  It looks like the JACK_PADS has R and S mislabeled.  They are switched right?  I want to use the pads on my board, but it seems like T/R/S are labeled twice, and incorrectly once.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Questions about my weener
December 11, 2014, 11:36:08 PM
I've got a lot of dumb questions about my weener build.  For some reason the Wah has always been one of those pedals that leaves me a little wanting.  My wahs never sound like the wahs I hear other people playing.  I fully accept that I don't really know how to use one properly so while I have a working build, I'm not sure it's all correct. 

Anyway,  my build is a first gen weener.  I got a 4uf cap for it too.  I'm using ribbon cable for the sweep and buffer.  The rest is a mix of solid core and stranded wire.

The first thing I notice is its noisy.  Toe up a little noise, toe down much more noise.  Is this normal?  I would really like to solve the noise issue.  Is it just wiring?

Second thing I notice is the buffer seems to make no difference in the sound.  Is it that transparent or did I do something wrong?

Third,  I do get a decent wah out out of it,  but it seems mild.  Is this just technique?  Do I just need to add bends in with the wah stick a nice distortion or overdrive in with it?

Anyway, I suspect I just need to spend some time with it, but does any of the above stuff seems off?  Noise or buffer I mean.
General Questions / D9E diodes in a sunking?
November 17, 2014, 08:47:08 PM
Anyone try this?  I have a sunking on the bench, waiting for parts and I found some D9E diodes so I bought them too.

I figured I could replace the 1n34a diodes with D9E and I already put a pair of OA126 in for the clipping mod.... thinking it will sound sweet.

I'll have some spare D9E I would be willing to part with too... I'll post when I have them in hand.

oh... a thousand and one... post, post, post, post, post, post, post.... thats a lotta posts.

General Questions / Best DS-1 layout?
November 09, 2014, 04:15:23 PM
I'm looking to build a DS-1.  I have the TA7136P and I want to build one with the keeled seeing eye and ultra mods.

Anyone know of a good layout with the TA7136 and Kelley mods?  I would like to avoid vero if at all possible.  I never really have much luck with vero.

Tonepad has a nice layout but without the keeley mods, so that is my fallback if I need it.

I just finished populating my upper decker and I realized I only have mounted pots for it. 

This has me wondering if it is safe to solder to the solder side of the board.  I'm confident with the through hole parts, but I'm thinking I may just rip a trace clean off mounting the pots or even the wires on the underside.

I have always used the solder lug style with self etched pcbs in the past.  I've just been spoiled by Beans fine boards for a while now and it never even crossed my mind when ordering for this build. 

Any suggestions?
General Questions / Mp3 player in to my amp?
September 04, 2014, 10:29:53 PM
My old line) amp had an additional line in that was handy for playing along with a song.  I have a new amp now and I really miss that feature. 

Is there a project that will let me add my iPhone or any mo3 player to my signal to play along to music through my amp?

Open Discussion / Best ALS Ics bucket ever
August 27, 2014, 06:18:00 PM
Build Reports / More cornish buffers
August 23, 2014, 12:08:31 AM
I got started on some SMT stuff here

I wanted to see if there was a better way to do this than soldering by hand.

Today I actually made a solder paste stencil, and I'm going to try reflowing a few.  I'm please as hell on the stencil, so I thought I would share.  I'll post more pictures as I progress through this build.

Just built my first "mojo" pedal, a Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face, with the output cap on a switch .1 and .01.  I'm actually pretty pleased with it, great harmonics, and its very touch sensitive.  I need to box it up now.  Anyone have a wiring diagram for a positive round fuzz face?

I want to have a battery snap, as well as a dc jack, just like ll my other pedals.  I'm actually thinking a road rage will be nice because I can wire the DC jack, and the battery snap normally, however I'm wondering if positive ground... which also grounds to the enclosure via the 1/4" jacks and stomp will create a problem in my chain.

I may be overthinking this, but I'm looking for feedback.
Build Reports / runt build
May 19, 2014, 12:01:24 AM
Well my little one really loves his crapy acoustic, he has been toting it around for a year now.  He can't play it yet, but he can strum it, and insists on using a pick, not bad for three right?  He really loves Dave Grohl too.  He likes playing "Where is Dave Grohl?" to the Learning to Fly video, and he loves it when Dave whips out his "Big Hand" to protect his woman in the Everlong video.  The acoustic he loves(that POS), but his search for great tone has begun...

Daddy, I want to plug it in... ok Gibson Pee Wee on the way....

Daddy, I need an "Everlong pedal".  What color?  "Silver and scratchy".   How could I say no?

Anyway, enough of the doting Dad crap, and on with the build thread.

I soldered the whole thing up pots and all to the board.

Put some right angle headers on the pot board.  Love the pot board by the way.

Started packing it in

Oh yeah, Silver and scratchy.

Pretty sure he cant ruin that finish.  Family, Music, and pedal building, I just hit the trifecta.

Open Discussion / Muscle Shoals
May 07, 2014, 01:40:01 AM
Anyone see this yet?  Looks good.
Open Discussion / The most amazing looper ever?
May 05, 2014, 12:27:25 AM
My friend just got one of these.. Freaking amazing.  The features are just absurd... Almost too much, almost.

Open Discussion / For all you SMT junkies.
April 20, 2014, 11:50:31 PM
I found a great kickstarter today.  I know a lot of you do SMT, so I think this would be of interest.  You probably know about solder paste too.  With this you can use any old toaster oven to handle the the temperature profiles for solder paste.  With a little tinkering I think you could set it up for powder coating as well.

I'm not affiliated or anything, but I'm sponsoring it myself... just gotta have one.

This is my second favorite kickstarter... just under kung-fury

Build Reports / My first SMD "design"
March 19, 2014, 01:00:03 AM
Ok the circuit is not my design. The board is though.  It's a buffer I pulled from that vero-board site... That pulled it from beans darkside... That pulled it from... Well you get the idea. 

I call it the Ishpeming Buffer.

Since it SMD I wanted it to be small so I put it in a 1590LB.  Those 1590A are so big and clunky.

Worked the first time I fired it up.  Pretty pleased.  Just had to share.

General Questions / SMT replacement for BC549
February 16, 2014, 04:05:33 PM
I'm working on a buffer that uses a BC549, but I want to go SMT with it.

I'm not sure if any old NPN will do in a buffer.  Any decent substitutions out there that are SMT?
Open Discussion / This one hurt a little
January 25, 2014, 03:10:29 PM
Knowing I'll never replace it.  OA126 black glass diode, telefunken.  Apparently they are delicate too.