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Messages - zgrav

Looks promising for some new demos to be posted soon.... ;D
Global Annoucements / Re: He's not quite dead yet...
February 15, 2020, 11:08:53 PM
glad you are on the mend.  sounds like quite an ordeal.
sometimes the problem with taking care of a sick child is that the parent ends up getting sick too...
The breadboarded demo of the Glitchee on the Demo page is pretty cool.  The filter adds a lot to the expression of the bit commander.
I like the new build docs and the thought going into providing layouts for different sized enclosures.  I am looking forward to hearing the demo for the Glitchee. 
VFE Projects / Re: Klein bottle switches
January 09, 2020, 01:20:42 AM
It can't hurt to sent Peter Rucker an email and ask if he has the switch in stock and would sell you one.
VFE Projects / Re: Triumvirate Build Doc Confusion
January 06, 2020, 03:55:05 AM
in general, the documents are to be relied upon over the print on the VFE pcb, since some tweaking was done even to the finished VFE boad designs.  I think you are OK with a polariazed cap for the 10 Uf fix.    I also found the reference to the pwr capacitors confusing when I started building some of the VFE pedals, but at least that is a consistent part reference.
Global Annoucements / Re: December Releases Are Here!
December 19, 2019, 05:47:01 PM
Thanks Brian for making the big push to get the projects up for order and the new build documents posted.  I am looking forward to putting a couple of these new projects together during the holidays, and I imagine a few other folks here are planning to do the same thing.  Best wishes to you and yoru family for a great holiday too!
Global Annoucements / Re: December Releases Are Here!
December 17, 2019, 01:56:16 AM
Quite an ambitious set of projects!  Happy Holidays!!!!!
My recollection was faulty on that piece no longer being included.  Sorry.
it is an error in the build doc.  the supply of that pot ran out over a year ago, I believe.  I think the BOM notes it needs to be ordered but the text of the build doc still refers to it as included.
I am enjoying the new write-ups and expanding my shopping list.  : ^ )
Thanks for the update!
As much as i want to avoid putting any pressure on anyone about when something will be available on the site, I would like to ask generally if we are days away from the new projects going live?  Or weeks away?  I would like to curb my hourly checks on the shop page if they are premature.  : ^ )
VFE Projects / Re: VFE Bumblebee troubleshooting
December 02, 2019, 04:17:08 PM
Updating my post about this issue in case it comes up for others later in a search.  The problem I described in the first post was due to getting the power connections wrong between the switching board and the main Bumblebee board.  The read the markings on the main board for "V-, B, and V+" to mean "V-, G, and V+"    That is not correct.  The connection diagram shows that the 3 wires from the switching board that are "G, V-, and V+" should connect straight across to the three holes where the v-, b, and v= markings are.  When I followed the diagram instead of trying to use the markings the power supplied to the main board was correct.