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Messages - the3secondrule

Open Discussion / Re: Help me name this multi
May 03, 2015, 04:20:19 AM
how about:

The Timbre Wolf
Open Discussion / Re: PPP - Customer service?
May 02, 2015, 09:01:54 PM
problem resolved, PPP have replied to my most recent email. Apparently they didn't receive my previous messages, which is unusual since they were sent to the same email as the most recent one, which they did receive...

wonder if the paypal dispute had anything to do with it?
Anyway, i've now got my response from them, which is all I wanted in the first place
Open Discussion / Re: PPP - Customer service?
May 02, 2015, 08:56:05 PM
Quote from: Rockhorst on May 02, 2015, 07:47:21 AM
If you're in New Zealand, how do you get this to be cost effective with just two boxes :o

I don't  ;D
but i'm mostly just building for myself, so cost doesn't really come into it
Open Discussion / Re: PPP - Customer service?
May 02, 2015, 06:02:26 AM
(I'm in New Zealand, so that's a fairly big toll call)
Open Discussion / Re: Lowrider sold out?
May 02, 2015, 04:46:27 AM
From memory, Brian had revised the octave up circuit for the 2015 version?

Eagerly awaiting this one myself, but it'll be ready when its ready
Open Discussion / Re: PPP - Customer service?
May 02, 2015, 04:44:18 AM
Have emailed them again, and signed up to the PPP forum, so I'll post there too once my account is authorised.

Have opened a paypal dispute too. Not sure if this is a dick move or not. I don't really want a refund, just a response...
Open Discussion / Re: PPP - Customer service?
May 02, 2015, 01:08:47 AM
Good point Jon. I'll see if I can find another way to get in touch.
Although I did reply to their email, and I've never had trouble getting a response from them previously...
Open Discussion / PPP - Customer service?
May 01, 2015, 11:46:13 PM
First a bit of background. I'm extremely lazy when it comes to decorating my enclosures.
If I build something and decide it's a keeper, I'll order a powdercoated enclosure from PPP.

So. I placed an order for 2x 125b's in early march. received shipping notification on 03 march. Shipped via USPS first class, so I'm aware there's no tracking - any other shipping method is Too. Damn. Expensive.

Placed another order late in march, which was received in early april.

By mid-april, I was starting to wonder where my order had got to, so I emailed PPP on 21st april, and asked had it turned up back with them. No response.
Gave it another few days, and emailed again on 26th april. Still no response.

Now, I'm not expecting them to offer to send out some more enclosures.
I'd just like a response. y'know "thanks for your email, no we haven't received your enclosures back, we'll let you know."

I know they can't control what happens once the enclosures are shipped, but they can at least reply to their emails.
Not sure if I'll be placing any more orders with them, TBH.

Am I overreacting?
Open Discussion / Re: NRGPD!
May 01, 2015, 11:30:44 PM
my own experience with receiving items shipped from Canadia to Nu Zilund is that they often seem to come via sailing ship, or rowboat :) hopefully your rowboat isn't too far off, Stephan

Requests / Re: Korg Mr Multi
April 29, 2015, 10:07:25 PM
It's up on DIY stompboxes too...
But I'll track it down tonight

I've got a mr multi I built years back that needs de-bugging too. Just never got it working right...
Requests / Re: Korg Mr Multi
April 29, 2015, 07:47:20 PM
I have the schematic here somewhere, I'll dig it out after work!
Quote from: GrindCustoms on April 26, 2015, 08:26:58 PM
A phaser without FETs or OTA... that's crazy awesome!

Looking great :)

The badstone is another that doesn't use FETs or OTAs. Looking for to Hab n Scruffies board for that one...
I'd grab another one :)
I've built the following madbean boards and used them for bass with no modifications at all:
Slow loris (rat) - there are lots of mods to make the rat even better for bass - I like to remove the clipping diodes
Mudbunny (big muff - green russian is a good variant for bass) - I've also built the IC muff for bass, which bean also does a board for..
sunking/kingslayer (klon/klon-ish)
deadringer (fulltone fulldrive) - now replaced with the deadringer 2, which I haven't built... yet...
Wolfshirt (actually I did mod this one - swapped c10 in the tone control for a 10nf cap from memory)
probably a few others too

lots of fine folks on this forum sell boards for other PCBs - Jubal81's lamprey (catalinbread SFT) is a good one

I've got PCBs for the RM voodoo bass and DAM ezekiel among others...

also see JMK pcbs: Big Bass Drive / ACDC drive...