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Messages - LaceSensor


Anyone have any ideas how easy it would be to make the Dig Dug trem rather than wah? Like the seek trem / tremorama?

Open Discussion / Re: FSB Boutique Section is Back up!
August 18, 2011, 01:48:05 AM
Same. Anyone got any news?
Id try a Dr Boogie or one of the variants.
I built one and it does what it says on the tin.

This is played through a Blackstar Artisan (low wattage but loud).
General Questions / Re: clear decals from smallbear
August 16, 2011, 11:22:19 PM
sounds like you bought waterslide decals. No experience with them.
You can however get simple peel off decals, essentially stickers.

In either case, you should put some clearcoat (I use spray clear acrylic from an autoshop) otherwise you risk smudging the image. The decals, and inkjet inks themselves, are not water tight by themselves.

Lots of examples of ones I have done on my blog
I wouldnt recommend those if you want a battery too.
It would be ok if you put a power switch on the pedal though, otherwise as people said the battery will drain all the time, and youll need to make sure you unplug the battery if you use the powersupply.

However, that being said, these little jacks are AWESOME and I love them.

YMMV though.
Build Reports / Re: 3rd Madbean Build - Zombii
August 06, 2011, 10:50:41 AM
Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on August 05, 2011, 06:00:47 PM
Quote from: gtr2 on August 05, 2011, 03:45:29 PM
Nice use of shielded cable.  That can tend to look messy but your build is spot on!


Where do you guys source that cable from?

Bits box uk

Doctor tweak has orange van damme which is ok too

Quote from: jighead81 on July 19, 2011, 01:19:37 AM
Just sayin  ;D ,  I really like how the Retro Channel fuzz sounds and I think it's op amp driven instead of trannys.  Some fuzzy big muffage is still my fav effect, but would like to try something with an op amp (s).  Anybody have any schems for something like the Retro Channel Fuzz?

The IC in the retro channel is just a transistor array. You could build it with the discrete transisitors, in fact its already been done.
Quote from: TheCobbenator on August 03, 2011, 12:09:45 AM
Not sure if this will help, or if it works with bass as well, but just released a pretty sweet looking filter...

The lovetone meatball is better on bass than guitar depending who you ask
Open Discussion / Re: Bad Footswitches?
August 04, 2011, 02:01:17 PM
unless you are really really conservative with your offboard wire lengths, I see no reason that to simply cut the wires off and replace the faulty 3pdt completely, rather than unsoldering.

I dont favour the 3pdt, have used some regular blue ones that seem ok, Cliff seem the best for a reasonalbe cost. Had some REALLY shitty black ones, one that failed, and in all cases the epoxy melted with even breif soldering heat application.

DPDT + millenium is my preferred choice.
Build Reports / Re: 3rd Madbean Build - Zombii
August 04, 2011, 12:51:16 PM
Oh I did put a decal on

Build Reports / Re: Macheen
August 03, 2011, 10:39:34 AM
Quote from: brainbender on August 02, 2011, 06:18:34 PM
I like those weird pedals and I'd like to make one, but im not sure what should i play through it...  :D
Noise, industrial? Any sugestions? :-\

The Machine can simply be used with another distortion or fuzz to really make leads pop.
sounds kinda synthy. Its not all just noise. But it can be  ;D
Mods / Re: Zombii after a buffered pedal
August 03, 2011, 10:38:05 AM
no harm to try but its up to you.
Mods / Re: Zombii after a buffered pedal
August 02, 2011, 11:49:59 PM
See attachment for push/relax knob wiring.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Build Reports / Re: 2nd Madbean Build: Macheen!
August 02, 2011, 10:50:48 PM
yeah sorry

Im yet to fully playtest the Machine. It sounds horrid on its own I know that much XD
Will get time to audition through my full setup tommorow.
It sounds fairly close to the ones on Youtube I reckon.
Build Reports / 3rd Madbean Build - Zombii
August 02, 2011, 09:19:44 PM
Did this for a mate. I made my own Fuzz Factory a few months back on vero.
This was soooo easy in comparison.

Thanks Madbean. Your boards are fantastic.

Plain jane for now - see what my mate wants as a decal

Insides - pretty neat if I say so myself!