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Messages - bigmufffuzzwizz

Loving this much!! Fun little sound sample and top quality work inside and out!  :)
Build Reports / Re: MkIII Bender / Alien Gate
April 28, 2013, 05:48:24 PM
Top notch as always sir!!
On your decimator your wiring an etched board from the bottom! How?! I'm guessing solid core teflon if your soldering wire from the trace side.
Build Reports / Re: Ethereal Verb - Tenebrion Reverb
April 28, 2013, 03:10:38 PM
Great build and video demo. Really got a good feeling for the pedal, now I gotta populate mine immediately!

I always thought Gearmandude was a jack black  ??? ???
Build Reports / Re: Doppleganger 1.4
April 27, 2013, 04:49:39 AM
Looks like a fun pedal! You did a really good job on the layout.  :)
I'd definitely be in for a board if you make another batch.
Build Reports / Re: Latest stuff from me
April 25, 2013, 10:38:49 PM
Awesome work Jacob! I'd be in for a pcb if you do a run!
Build Reports / Re: Skeedish Muff V2
April 25, 2013, 10:38:10 PM
Hey looks awesome!! What's this circuit, 2 cascaded muffs with mods? I'd be interested in a PCB if you end up selling some!
Open Discussion / Re: April Tayda Coupon up
April 23, 2013, 10:25:56 PM
I was thinking about ordering and then this now I have to! Good period that this code is active also!
Open Discussion / Re: Which wire?
April 16, 2013, 10:04:33 PM
I finally handled the apex Jr. Teflon wire and I must say its the highest quality I've ever seen.
Quote from: das234 on April 10, 2013, 06:27:24 PM
That's kind of what I thought.  I think I will be ok following instructions and soldering but, if something goes awry I'm screwed troubleshooting because I have a big vacuous space in my brain where the electronics knowledge should be.  (although you guys on the forums are super helpful).

Id say the average of us started with zero electronics knowledge and gained it through the experience and repetition. And you know we'll help you with whatever!
I'm remembering some guy over at Byoc who's first build was their analog delay. He got it going first try so nothing is impossible!
Ive been meaning to bust one of these for awhile now. Sounds really good Jimi!
Vero wasn't so bad huh? I like soldering on those strips, I find it forgiving and I love how compact it can get.
Whats the bass/guitar switch? Input cap?
Lots of parts, sometimes harder to find parts, complex circuits that take some experience to debug...things like that. If you know how to identify values properly and you can perform a clean reliable solder joint every time then theres nothing to worry about.
Both projects you listed are complex, grab something easier when you make your purchase and give that a go first!
Hey! Im gonna be here for the next two days hanging and wandering around. Love to hang with other pedal builders, rap about some circuits..anyone interested shoot me a PM  :)
Open Discussion / Re: Shopping Lists
April 09, 2013, 05:25:24 PM
Agreed. I usually end up doing that myself anyways so it saves me a bit of time, especially with those last minute orders. Do you make the list in excel Brian? I could never get excel to sort by numbers, only letters.
Im very impressed with your final outcome! Demo sounds soo good..i think i need to bump this one higher on my to do list.
Pepper Spray is the new sunking!   :P
Very excited for both new pcbs